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Alexander, Isabella, and Derek all arrive home...the drive back was quiet and disappointing...also awkward. When they arrive home they notice a car they never seen before in their drive way.

Alexander-...Isabella is that your boyfriends car? Do u have a boyfriend and I'm barely finding this out now?

Isabella*annoyed*-really dad? The first thing u think of is "oh Isabella has a boyfriend and he here oHhH NoOoOoOoOo" oh please, and no I don't have a boyfriend so that ain't him-

Derek-*pfft* u single as a Pringle

Isabella then proceeds to hit Derek...which then leads them both fighting..

Alexander-ENOUGH!!! Both of u are acting like children get a hold of yourselves!
{A/N before Alexander was actually a decent nice guy but after everything that's happened...he's changed}

They park the car five blocks away and proceed to walk but instead of going through the front they go through the back yard and since there are vines on the side of the house Alexander tells Derek to climb up to a window and go down stares quietly and unlock the sliding door.

Alexander-hey Derek?


Alexander-u know how u Isabella and Nefertiri used to always climb these vines and your mother would get mad?

Alexander-u know how the girls would win because you'll always fall?

Derek-get to the point father!?

Alexander-oh yea right right...go climb it

Isabella-SHHHH shut up u too, I'll climb-

Alexander-*looks at Derek* I'll give u twenty bucks if u climb it right now

Derek-oh we bringing in money ok ok

*climbs vines...*

Derek-oh SHHHIIII *falls into bush*...owww

Isabella-ugh amateurs step aside

Derek and Alexander-Isabella no it's ok YOULL GET HUR-

Isabella-...I'm already up -_-


Alexander-oh she already up...well um ok?

Derek-how tf did u get up there so quickly!?

Isabella-*opening window* u can literally jump climb one two and boom u here so real question is how tf did u fall u older it's not even a long fall I can literally jump down and not get hurt?

Alexander-alright alright Isabella go open the door and u...yea she right it's not a long fall and u lost twenty bucks sooo o_o

Derek-...aww wtf

Isabella is inside now, and the room that she is in right now is actually Nefertiri's and Isabellas old room, when they were younger they used to share a room until Matilda decided to move nefertiri into the attic. And now the old room is just a storage room.

Isabella-I can't see anything in here...*finds door knob by bumping into it*owww my hip

Meanwhile downstairs ...
*hears a door knob upstairs*
???-hey...what was that?

???2-who cares lets just get the jewelry and get the hell out

???-I thought u said they wouldn't be home?

???2-they shouldn't and if they were they would come through the front and we would leave through the back

???-oh ok that makes se-

*lights turn on*

???/???2-*looks at each other*RUUUNNN!!!

Alexander-NOT SO FAST either way if u escape or not your get away car is no use I popped the tires so good luck driving flat tires

???-YOU DID WHAT!? Do u know how much that car is!?

Alexander-and do u know u just caught from an adults from two teenagers?


Derek ties both of them up to a chair and they ask numerous questions and then the last one is a bit of a shocker

???-dude come on you've been asking us numerous questions since u caught us and it's already day light-

Isabella-it's actually the sun rise?

???-no one is talking to u sweetheart so shut the hell up!


???-ugh this is all your fault

???2-MY FAULT!?



Alexander-uuugggGGGHHHH BOTH OF U SHIT THE HELL UP ALREADY GOD DAM!? Last question who are u?


Alexander- *goes too ???* I said who are u?

???-hey why u asking me? Why not the other person?

Alexander-just Answer the question?


Alexander-*sigh**takes off guys mask*

???-*head down* shit...

Alexander-hm i don't know u?

???-yea no shit...*gets hit on back of head by derek* wtf owww

Derek-oops my bad I was trying to hit your back :)

Alexander-oh and the reason I didn't ask the other person who she was because *takes off her mask* cause I already know who she is...

???2-looks up


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