seven :

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location : west side of the city; nct's hub
people : nct
point of view : jungwoo
event : dinner


"hey! gimme some more!" jisung yells while reaching over the table to grab some food. hands swat around the table as everyone attempts to get their servings.

"oi, there's plenty of food for us tonight. stop acting like a five-year-old, jisung," kun says to jisung as him, doyoung, and jaemin place more plates of food on the table. i squeeze in between lucas and yangyang with an empty plate and chopsticks in my hands.

"hey yangyang, hand me some lettuce would you please?" i ask and hand yangyang my plate.

he stands and reaches across the table, "how many? three?" he asks. i nod my head. he grabs three pieces of lettuce and sits down in his seat, handing me my plate.


"yup," he responds and starts eating his food.

i position my chopsticks in my hand and grab some food from the revolving table of plates. the younger ones start fighting with each other while the older ones almost start a food fight in the room.

who's great idea was for twenty-one guys to live with each other...


"hey winwin, did you ever find my backpack?" lucas asks winwin.

winwin swallows his food and takes a sip of water before speaking, "no, but yanmei said she'd look around for it."

"how's she doing? any crazy people over there?" mark asks while casually swiping renjun away from his plate.

"um," winwin rubs the back of his neck, "if her brother is labeled as a crazy person, then yes." winwin hesitantly answers mark. i look at him as does everyone else.

"her brother is alive?" taeyong quickly stands up and asks. "the one that we supposedly killed and was an innocent kid?" winwin nods his head and everyone stops talking to listen. "i told you guys that they're working together!" he exaggerates.

"hold up taeyong," winwin starts, "i don't think yanmei is apart of her brother's gang. in fact, we know how her brother operates. yanmei and her brother are two completely different people. and you should've seen her, she was on the floor crying when i got back there. i don't think i've seen her crack like that since we've known her."

"which gang is he apart of?" ten asks him.

winwin shakes his head before putting food on his plate. "he isn't just apart of a gang. he's the boss. yanmei's brother is zhong yanguo," winwin answers.

the room becomes silent and all of us look at taeyong, who slams his hands on the table, "starting today, we're protecting yanmei from that bastard. eat up, i want a car to go and get her. she's coming here."

"but she isn't going to leave the hotel. she'll argue with us and say that she needs to be there if there are people who need help. i know we haven't seen anyone but us, but we know how she is with leaving the hotel. come on, she hasn't left the hotel since the day we though we got rid of the royals," yuta comments. "and she's going to fight with us if we barge in and try to drag her all the way here."

"how about we just stay over at the hotel? there's more than enough rooms and we wouldn't have to fight with yanmei," chenle suggests while scooping a bit of rice into his plate.

"and be more vulnerable?" hendery questions while sitting back in his chair with a glass of water in his hands, "that bastard knows where her sister is and probably knows that we're the ones who hang out with her all the time. i rather not have to deal with that situation."

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