eleven :

140 6 1


location : sinclair's soda parlor
people : yanmei, kun, yanzhu, yanwei, yanwu, yanmi, yanguo
event : family reunion


"alright, i'm here. what the hell do you guys want?" i ask while my brothers and sisters sit down in chairs at a long table. two of them being left unoccupied.

"sit," yanguo gestures for us in the chairs next to yanmei and yanwu. "we won't bite you."

"i'll stand," i say.

"me too," moscow says. "what do you guys want? tell us or we're leaving here."

"we want you to come back to your family. simple as that," yanzhu speaks while standing up again and going behind the bar to grab a beer. then, he walks back to the chair he was sitting in. "be back with the people who you two belong with," he twists the cap off the beer and sits down.

"we don't belong to anyone yanzhu," kun angrily speaks.

"you really expect your sister and your cousin to just waltz back into the family like it's no big deal?" i slam my hand onto the table, "what the hell do you guys want with us? what's so important?"

"you wouldn't want to disappoint mom and dad, would you?" yanwu's voice is barely audible as he plays with the glass of water in his hand.

i look at yanwu, "they're dead, why are you even speaking of them?" i say to him.

yanguo clears his throat and i look at him, "this is your one and only warning: you and your little nct friends aren't going to last. we will take over the city. sooner or later, you're going to have to choose which side you two will want to be on."

"we already own some of the city ourselves and we have dealt your people before. what makes you think we won't be able to last?" moscow angrily speaks and pulls out his gun from his waistband. he places it on the table and looks at yanguo, "i can take you down in a heartbeat."

"you wanna test that out kun ge?" yanguo stands up and grabs his gun from his pocket. he aims it straight at moscow.

"yanguo," yanzhu speaks and finishes the beer in his hand. yanguo lowers his gun and tosses it on the table. "everyone, outside. leave two cars and two people to drive. go back to the hub," yanzhu instructs the members of their gang. they leave the restaurant, leaving the man who is quietly cleaning empty beer glasses. "we're not trying to send a death wish, but we want you to know that you and your nct friends aren't going to have fun from here on out."

"kun, let's go. we're leaving," i say to him and start walking away.

"they're not going to like this," i hear yanwei speak.

"no, they're not." yanzhu replies. "we're screwed."

i walk out of the building and see three cars. two of them are together and another is by itself. i see a window roll down and see seoul in the driver's seat and nice in the passenger seat, "let's go."

i look behind and see kun by me and we start walking, "you followed us?" i ask while getting into the backseats with kun.

"duh, and kun definitely won't walk back to the hotel. and i'm thinking you wouldn't either," seoul replies and drives off in a direction that doesn't lead to the hotel.

"bring me back to the hotel," i command.

"we need to talk," nice looks back at me. "we'll try to be quick."

"we can do that at the hotel," i quickly respond. "take me back."

taeyong shakes his head and keeps driving. i lean forward and put my head against my hand.

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