chapter 1

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     I heard the autumn leaves crunch beneath my feet as I walked down the gravel path in the woods. The air was crisp and refreshing and smelled of the fall leaves. I smiled to myself as I walked further down the path enjoying my self. A bunny hopped out in front of me. He froze looking at me for a moment then ran off. As I walked further I felt the ground leave beneath my feet. I went flying down a tunnel that was Stone and slimy. I finally stopped falling when I landed on my butt. I smoothed my dress and stood up. There was only one way out and that was a vine covered cave exit. I sperated the Vines and walked through revealing a gorgeous pond with great Willow trees surrounding it. I marvelled at the beauty of this place. I made my way over to the pond watching as some deer drank from it while the fawns played in the background. A little river flew out of the pond with flat rocks that ran through it. The first rock I stepped on wobbled a bit the next one was firm and so on. The river side turned eerie as I went farther. My foot slipped off a rock and I was falling again down what seemed to be the same tunnel. This fall was longer and this time when I landed I was not greeted with the same sight. The cave exit was mostly covered with stone and had a small opening that I could fit through like a doorway. I slid trough but I didn't see the same pond. Instead I was in a stone stadium the stands were filled with people all cheering, but when they saw me they began to booo. I walked out into the middle and spun around looking at thousands of people. A circle of men formed around me, "fate will change come with us," they chanted at me. "what?" I said as they grew closer. "what are you doing please stop," I shrieked as they drew swords from their sheaths, but they kept chanting and coming closer. I soon fell to ground screaming in fear.

"Please stop!" I said as I sat up in bed. I was breathing heavy and confused at first. Recently I've been having these nightmares that all end the same. With a bunch of men chanting "fate with change come with us." I looked around my room for some clarity, I don't think I won't anyone up this time so that's good. I laid my head back down and took a long deep claiming breath. "This has to stop." I said aloud. I turned over and tried to fall back to sleep but to no avail.

     I heard three light knocks at my door and already knew who it was. "Come in" I said. I was right little Eamon opened the door slowly and quietly. "Becca?" He said in a scared voice.
"Yeah," I answered turning on the light.
"Can I sleep here tonight?" He asked meekly.
"Of course you can. What happened a bad dream?" He didn't say anything just nodded, "do you wanna talk about it?" I asked but he shook his head no. "If you whisper it in my ear the bad guys won't hear you." I said picking him up and putting him in my bed.
"How did you know that's what I was thinking?" He asked.
"Because I used to think the same thing and mom told me if I whispered and believed then the bad guys couldnt hear me. So do you wanna tell me now."
"I was getting chased by a wear wolf in the woods and no matter how fast I ran or for how long the woods never ended."
"Well I can promise you that is never gonna happen," I said giving him a big hug.
"How do you know?"
"Because I have a friend who tells me about all of the animals in the woods. He knows everything there is to know about them. And he writes to me and tells me what he's learned that week." I said.
"Really? What's his name?"
"Well I can't tell you then it wouldn't be a secret."
"We'll go to sleep now good night I love you."
"Good night Becca. Can I hold your hand."
"Of course Eamon," I gave him my hand and he held it tight until he went to sleep.


     "Rebecca time to get up," my mother said opening the door. I groaned and turned over. "Rebecca get up now please." She said. I opened my eyes and looked to my right to see Eamon still asleep. I smiled to myself as I grabbed my uniform and headed to the bathroom to get changed. We had to wear these awful uniforms that looked like a potato bag with button down shirts underneath. It was the worst material and it made you sweat faster then anything.

      I grabbed a piece of toast with butter and threw some cinnamon and sugar on it before I sat down at the table. "Becca I'm sorry Eamon keeps coming to you at night," my mother said to me.
"It's fine mom you know I'm always here to help, and you need your sleep. So I'm glad he doesn't wake you." I said.
"Ugh Mrs. Perfect comes to save the day again," my older brother Cormac said sarcastically.
"Shut up Mac." I said laughing as I finished my toast.
"Oh Rebecca I have to talk about something with you when you get home so don't let me forget." Mom added.
"Okay, sure thing." I headed back up stairs to finished getting ready. After my face was washed and my teeth were brushed I woke Eamon up. "Eamon bud, you gotta get up." I whispered as I gently shook him awake. He made the same noise I made to mom and that made me giggle to myself. "It Thursday so that means we have steak for dinner," I said trying to inspire him to wake up. He slowly came to and I finished getting ready.

       I pulled the sides of my hair back in a hair tie. Threw some mascara and lipgloss on and that was really it. I never really do my makeup unless I'm going somewhere fancy. I threw my books in my schoolbag and was headed back downstairs. "Cormac come on we're gonna be late!" I yelled up the stairs after waiting for ten minutes.
"I'm coming, I'm coming geeze." He said and he stumbled down the stairs still putting his shoes on.
"Guys don't forget I won't be home when you guys get here. Bye I love you be safe." Mom yelled to us.
"Bye love you," we echoed as we got into Cormac's truck. And with that we were off to school.

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