chapter 2

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"Hey Darcy!" I said walking up to my best friends locker.
"Hey Becca, oh did you finish the geometry homework I didn't get it?" She asked.
"Yeah I can give it to you in fifth period."
"Okay thanks." She shut her locker and we started to mine.
"Oh I had one of those dreams again, but this one was creepy." I said.
"Why what happened?"
"Well I fell down this tunnel and it kinda looked like a sewer. But when I landed and exited the cave it was this gorgeous pond area. So I was walking down a river that ran out of the pond and I started falling again. This time though I was in like an old Roman stadium when I got up. And everyone was booing me and there was the same circle of guys chanting. I just don't know what to think about all of this." I said.
"Yeah that's really weird. It's gotta mean something though, we'll know what it means soon." She said.
"What does that mean?"
"Like if something really big or odd happens we'll know what your dream means then."
"Well I guess you're right." I said shutting my locker as the warning Bell for first period rang. "Alright well I'll see you in second period Darcy."
"Bye." She waved goodbye. 
     First period was a drag, I had history. I like history and all but this teacher is awful. He has suck a monotone voice, and we're learning about the War of Grin. It's the war that separated our country into three sections Norfolk, Bradford, and Taewe. The war began because the king of Cluara had three sons, and when he was on his deathbed he split the country up evenly among them. This didn't sit well with the boys and they fought for 3 years trying to take each other over. Each sector gained a little bit of land but nothing worth three years of war. It ended when Taewe first surrendered followed by my section, Bradford, and then Norfolk. The bell finally rang and I was off to second period, English.

      "Mr. Finn makes me want to fall asleep." I complained to Darcy as she walked to the seat in front of me.
"What did you guys do today?" She asked, Darcy had him next period.
"More of the same, notes in-between naps." I joked. She giggled a bit before sitting down. Darcy was kind of different from me, she fit in better here. She was tall, blond, and pretty. She had green eyes that were brown twords the center. She had this way of pulling guys in left and right without even knowing it. If Darcy was friends with the popular girls at school she would have every guy in this school at her feet. Darcy though was more refined and mature for being in highschool, she's pretty smart though and loves sewing. Darcy does have one boy falling for her though, Connor McDougless. Connor is kind of dorky. He's tall and thin with curly brown hair and a freckled covered face. They would make a cute couple though, Connor wasn't ugly just not the hottest guy in school. They would flirt all second period Darcy twirling her hair around her fingers and Connor cracking jokes to her. It made me want to hurl.

     I'm the romantic type of rather be at home practicing with my bow and arrow. I do want to fall in love eventually though just not yet, I'm to young and to free for that now. I want to adventure and see all there is before I have to settle down with my family. That's why I don't fit in here, these girls throw themselves at the boys praying one of them likes them. But none of that stuff worries me I just want to keep doing my thing and when I meet the right person that's when I'll slow down. I've always been different though.

     The bell rang and I stood in the hall waiting for Darcy. "Okay Connor I'll see you Friday," she said adjusting the books on her hip. He just smiled as they parted ways. "Uh what was that?" I ask shocked.
"It's nothing." Darcy said blushing.
"Do you have a date with Connor?"
"Maybe but that not important. So tell me what's new in your life?"
"Well nothing much. Oh my mom was acting kind of weird this morning, she was all nervous and said she had to talk to me when she gets home." I explained.
"About what?"
"I don't know. I'm wracking my brain but I can't think of anything."
"Oh my God Becca!" Darcy froze grabbing my arm.
"What?" I asked slightly scared.
"OH MY GOD!" She yelled.
"Darcy you're drawing attention. What?" I said in a lower voice.
"You're going to have a coming out part!" She shirked.
"No, no I can't. We can't afford that, plus my mom knows I'm not that type of girl. Oh Darcy I don't want to have a coming out party." I complained.
"Oh come on it's gonna be fun. Becca you have to invite me."
"Look I don't even know if that's what it is so don't get ahead of yourself."
"Oh I'm so excited!"
"Oh Darcy. Hey, are we still in for tonight?" I asked.
"Yep, ten o'clock at our spot."
"You make it sound like we're a couple." I laughed and Darcy laughed to as we walked into 3rd period together.

      The rest of the day was pretty normal and just kind of a drag. Darcy wouldn't stop talking about my coming out party and how she was so excited and that she was gonna get her mom to line up our dates so we can meat the royal family on the same day.

     That's how coming out parties work in Bradford. When a girl turns 16 her mother signs her up for a coming out weekend. There is one a month. And everyone goes through and meets the royal family and their highnesses hold a big party where only the most eligible bachelor's go. The girls are expected to mingle with the boys and fall hopelessly in love with one of them. The thought could make me sick having our parent shove us on some boy strictly based on the fact that is pocket is deeper. The next day the daughters host a party and the thought is to invite some men from the day prior and get to know each other better. But I want to fall in love because I'm in love with a person not because my parent are in love with his inheritance. Is that to much to ask?

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