Chapter 6

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I was beaten every time I got up. My eyes were swollen so I couldn't see and my body was racked with pain. As I tried to get up I was beaten right back down. I felt it in me, the point where I wanted to give up, but I buried it. I pushed myself up and grabbed the air that tried to beat me and fought back. I beat them and was ready for the next people to come in. I took down six more men when finally the lights were completely cut off and I was grabbed from behind and felt a piercing burn.

I bolted up with a start, covered in sweat, trying to control my breathing. I put my hand to my heart and the other to my hip where the nasty scar still was. I covered a hand to my mouth to keep from choking on a sob. I looked up as I bit my knuckle to make it all stop. To help all my racing emotions and make me calm down. When I had finally gotten myself under control to my horror I was making full eye contact with Seven.

"Clara! Clara!" Selena banged on the door and immediately I raced to my door. I pulled it open and in came Selena, she was crying hysterically. I grabbed her and immediately pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay. Shhh Selena it's okay." I led her onto my bed.

"Sing me the song." She sniffed.

I wanted more than anything to shut my window but I couldn't leave Selena right now.

I took a deep breathe and started stroking her face. "One by one they were formed. A bond like no other. Through hell and darkness they did overcome. Together they stay through it all." It was a stupid song but we'd made it when we were really young. Slowly but surely Selena fell asleep. I went over to the window and was thankful Seven was gone even if his window was still open. I shut my windows when my door slowly opened. A sleepy Daz entered and I pointed to my bed as I shut my blinds. Tamson and Maya came in later in the night and I stared at the ceiling not feeling tired at all. Eventually Carl came in telling us to get ready. I slowly got up and got a shower to help wake me up. I looked at myself and my scars, I was covered in them. I'd learned long ago to accept them and move on but sometimes they brought me back to places I didn't want to be.

I got dressed and went down for school. My head felt somewhere else and I was barely aware of anything. I was so zoned out from reality trying to sort through my thoughts.


I looked up and everyone was looking at me. "Yeah?"

"Where's your head I was calling your name several times?" Selena asked with a playful smile.

"Oh sorry." I mumbled and got up to throw out my uneaten breakfast.

I have no idea what was the matter with me part of our job was being able to fake it. But last night awaked something in me that I had long buried, the pain I had went through. Sure I carried it with me everyday but I refused to let it truly consume me. Right now I didn't know what was happening as I walked out the door not waiting for anyway and began walking.

I was so far in my own mind I hadn't realized I was at school till I sat down in first period. Right before the bell rang Tamson slipped in. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "You forgot something." I watched as he set my backpack down, then watched as he slipped out without another word.

I didn't focus at all all day I just kept thinking of everything. My toe wouldn't stop tapping and my fingers wouldn't stop drumming. I didn't show up to lunch instead deciding to spend my time in the auditorium. I sat and looked out at all the rows of seats. I had flash backed to missions and finally I found it again. I pulled at it till it consumed me and I pictured myself from a different perspective. I pictured a confident, carefree girl. I pictured a non broken girl and I became that girl. I opened my eyes smiling as I felt everything align with myself. I stood up and felt dread as I saw Seven sitting in one of the seats waiting.

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