Chapter 9

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I woke with a start but Seven put his arm around me and pulled me back to his shoulder.

"It's okay. You're safe with me." He whispered as the movie still played.

I looked up at him and smiled. He looked down and smiled at me. He then did something I didn't expect he kissed me on the top of my head. I realized right then that I wanted more. I wanted to feel his lips on mine but I couldn't with everyone around. So I decided to live off the happiness of the kiss on my head.

When the movie ended everyone started clearing out and I thanked everyone for coming over. My team went upstairs after I told them I'd clean up. They had all tried to fight me on it but I told them it would help me feel better so they let me. I hadn't noticed he was still here till he brought out the rest of the dishes to the sink.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"No problem." He then looked at the burning hot water I was using and my hands that I had unwrapped to do the dishes. "Why don't I do that dishes?"

I shook my head. "No it's fine I got them."

"I don't think your hands will be though."

I shrugged. "I'm sure they'll be fine."

"Come on Clara let me do it."

I ignored him but then I felt as he stood behind me and lightly turned me to face him. He then leaned in real close and whispered. "I won't take no for an answer." He then leaned back to look me in the eyes.

My heart was racing at our proximity. I searched his eyes wondering if he wanted what I wanted. He then reached up his hand and out of habit I flinched. I don't know why I did I was good at not showing my fear but something about my feelings for Seven made me scared to my bones.

My heart ached at the hurt that crossed his eyes from my flinch. So to show him it wasn't his fault I slowly moved my hands up to cup his face and pull him closer to me. He ran his thumb over my bottom lip and I knew we were on the same page. I stole one last look at him before I pulled his lips to mine. What started as a slow kiss grew hungry and passionate. Seven lifted me onto the counter and I ripped off his shirt and felt his muscles. This was all new for me but I didn't care if I was good or not I just wanted to enjoy Seven's taste.

I ran my fingers through his hand and felt his do the same. As he touched my skin I felt on fire and I wanted more so I ripped off my shirt and kissed him harder. My need for him was so strong his touch was like a drug for me and I needed more.

Suddenly though I heard the key being slid into the lock. "Shit my dad's home." I said jumping off the counter, picking up both of our shirts and tossing him his. We both quickly got them on before Carl had gotten the lock unlocked, he sometimes struggled with it which played to my benefit today.

As Carl walked in he saw both Seven and I doing the dishes.

"Hey kids." He said happily.

"Hey Dad." I smiled at him.

"Hey Mr. Markin." Seven smiled and I assumed that was our made up last name.

"How was school?" He asked sitting at the kitchen table.

Seven and I looked at each other than said. "Good."

"Good I'm glad." Carl smiled and I knew he was glad. He wanted us to be happy.

Later that night I stared at Seven's window from my own. As I sat there I grabbed a notebook and pencil and began drawing. Two hours later I was looking at my drawing of Seven. I was even impressed by my work. I looked over at his window and had to keep myself from screaming because there he was sitting there watching me. I took a steadying breath and then waved at him. He waved back then held up a notebook that read. "What are you drawing."

I opened my window and said. "Nothing."

"Bull." He scoffed and I laughed.

"It's too embarrassing." I said looking at it.

"Try me." He said and I looked at him.

"Fine. Can you catch?"


So I threw my notebook and he caught it. I looked at it and shock lit up his face. He looked up at me then down at the page. "Meet me downstairs." He said then started moving. I sat there in confusion and shock then got my ass moving. I was only in a bralette and pajama shorts again but I didn't bother with a shirt. I just went downstairs and out the front door. We met between our two houses.


"What?" I asked my nerves a mess.

"This is incredible. Tell me you've been looking into art schools."

All I could think of was what? Art schools? I just got into high school but then I remembered he meant college.

I shrugged. "It's just art."

"Clara you're incredible. The amount of detail you put into your art it might as well be a legit photograph from a camera."

I rolled my eyes. "As if."

"I'm serious Clara you could get scholarships with this talent."

I looked into his eyes and saw he truly wasn't joking. I reached up and ran my hand down his cheek. I then reached the other around his neck. "I've never had someone care as much as you do besides my team."

He seemed a little thrown off from the topic change but he smiled then wrapped his arms around my hips. "I'll always care."

I shook my head. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

He leaned in close to my face and said. "Who says I don't plan on keeping them?" He then kissed me and I kissed him back.

It was freezing and we were both shirtless but we couldn't care less.

When we pulled away he leaned his forehead against mine and held my face. He looked me straight in the eyes. "Promise me you'll think about it."

"I promise." I told him and meant it.

He smiled then took a step away from me. "Goodnight Clara Markin."

"Goodnight Seven Jameson." I smiled then returned to my house and into my room. My team was waiting in my bed for me and at first we just looked at one another till Maya said. "What so we're not gonna talk about how Clara's getting dick from Seven."

"Oh my god Maya!" I don't know what I was more shocked about what she said or the fact that she said anything at all.

She smiled and I picked up a pillow from my floor and threw it at her. She of course dodged it since we were so expertly trained.

"Tell us the details." Selena beamed at me and patted the bed to have me come sit. I did and I told them how we had made out earlier and we kissed just now. Selena was extremely happy for me. Tamson was happy as well but Daz was ready kick Seven's ass.

"How dare he kiss our sister." He then caught himself and looked at me. "I mean leader."

I put my arm around him. "You mean sister." I winked at him then looked at everyone. "We are a family and we stick together."

"Forever." They all chorused back making me smile.

"Ok it's bed time." I said and as we all went to bed I couldn't help but smile until I fell asleep.

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