Chapter Two

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James Black was a ruddy teenager with the messiest black hair you can think of, had skin as fair as one untouched by the Sun, although that boy had been playing in the sun his entire childhood, and had eyes that gave a small twinge of a sparkle behind the soulful deep hazel of the pupils. He stood a mighty 5ft 8.5" at just 16 and a half - he still had space to grow, and was undoubtedly one of the taller people in his year. As a Junior, his schedule was absolutely ransacked - hit by hurricane after tornado of classes, homework and projects.

Now that brings us to the second part of James Black's personality - without fail, he is always, always, ALWAYS, goddamn late. Yes, he hands in his homework consistently for
sure, presents above average PowerPoints, and for sure fails half his major examinations, while excelling in the other half, he will without fail turn up late for every lecture or class he has in the ransacked schedule he has. More often than not had this very quirk of James come to bite him in the ass as he had received hours after hours of detention due to his lateness. But enough of that, let's get on with the story.

  " Cole! Are you in school already? " James frantically shoved his airpods into his ears and ran for his motorbike.

  " Nope, riding there right now though, " Cole replied, almost screaming into his mic.

  " Alright, see ya in street 32 then, " James started his bike, slotted his helmet, and quickly zoomed off into the distance.

  Upon reaching school, he made a run for the lecture hall located on the left wing of the campus ( Cole had reached a few minutes earlier, unlike James, he had a reputation to keep up ) and somehow realized he reached the hall in a minute flat. With just another minute until the bell to signal class starting would ring.

  " Holy shitballs, I guess I don't have detention today, " James muttered under his breath, panting. He peered into the lecture hall before actually going in, as if to check for any signs of danger that may suddenly pop out at him.

  Opening the door, he strode confidently into the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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