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               I went back home with Sam and Dean, after burning John's body. Dean worked on Baby, the Impala, and Sam paced next to me every second; he was worried about Dean.

Sam, being the paranoid little brother he is, went out to dean and I followed him.

"Before he-- before he-- did he say anything to you, about anything?" Sam asked. "No." Dean replied curtly. "How's the car coming along? Need any help?" oh no... I thought. Sam doesn't do cars.

"What, you under a hood? I'll pass.

"Alright, anything else?"

"Stop it, Sam. Stop asking if I need anything. Stop asking if I'm okay, I'm fine, really." Ha yeah right.

"Dean, it's just-- we've been at Bobby's for a week and you haven't brought up Dad once."

"You know what? You're right," he motioned to Sam, "come here; I wanna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug. Maybe even slow dance." I rolled my eyes, at least Sam was just trying to help.

"Don't patronize me, Dean," he paused. "Dad is dead. The Colt is gone and this demon is all behind it! Don't you want revenge? Instead of sitting under this car and ignoring your problems?" Sam yelled, frustrated.

"Revenge huh? Do you have any idea where the Colt even is?" The situation was becoming heated, but it needed to happen. Sam and Dean just lost their father, they needed to talk it out, no matter how loud. I wanted to give my two senses the situation, but it was not my place.

Sam has originally gone outside to inform the dean of his finding of their father's old phone, with several unread messages from Ellen. we traced the number, and got an address. Borrowing one of my fathers old vans, we made it to the old down bar.

"I feel like a frigging soccer mom!" Dean complained. I laughed, knowing he couldn't give up his precious car.

We headed inside to be met by a man unconscious on a pool table, "I'm guessing that isn't Ellen," Dean said. "Yeah no shit sherlock" I replied, sometimes his comments make me want to punch him, because they're so fucking stupid.

I moved towards the kitchen with Sam, when I heard Dean say, "I hope that's a shotgun and you're not just excited to see me..." I didn't even have the time to laugh at what he said, or ask him what he's on about, because my hands were grabbed and pulled behind my back, and a knee rammed into my stomach.

I regained myself to hear who was supposedly Ellen.

"Sam? Dean? Winchester?"


"Son of a bitch." Ellen swore, bringing her hands to her hair, and basically ran the stress from her scalp out to the ends of her hair.


"How come he's never mentioned you before?"

"You'd have to ask him that." She replied.

"So why exactly do we need your help?"

"Hey, don't do me any favors," she started to get sassy with us and I couldn't blame her. "Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass. But John wouldn't have sent you if-- " there it is. It hit her. We didn't even need to tell her. "He didn't send you. He's all right, isn't he?" Every single one of us could hear the fear and worry in her voice, now thinking John could be dead, without knowing he was.

"No. no, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It just got him before he got it, I guess." She did not take the news well, and I'd honestly be surprised if she did. "I'm so sorry." she apologized, moving forward towards Dean, with the attempt to embrace him. "It's okay. We're all right." Dean said, backing away from the woman. "I know how close you and your dad--"

"Really, I'm fine. So look, if you can help we could use all the help we can get." Dean, now sick of the 'chick flick moment' he wanted to get down to business, "well, we can't." Ellen said, gesturing to the man asleep on the pool table, "but Ash will." she finished. "Who's Ash?" I asked Ellen.

"Ash!" She yelled at him, jerking him awake,

"What? Closing time?'' I chuckled at him. Personally I loved when people could just be themselves and not worry about what other people think of them, and I got that vibe from Ash.

"He's a genius."

"You gotta be kidding. He's no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie." Dean tried to insult Ash, and failed.

"I like you." Ash complimented.

The two brothers beacon to tell stories about their father, and how he was the greatest hunter they'd ever known. Also how he could track a demon so closely, it seemed fake. Ash started to lose track of the whole main conversation, and began talking about himself, I chuckled.

"Can you track it or not?" Dean interrupted Ash, getting tired of the nonsense that fell out of Ash's mouth.

"Yeah, with this, I think so, but it's gonna take time." He pondered, elaborating the process this would take, "uh, give me 51 hours." I nodded in agreement, then turned to both Sam and Dean to see, then followed suit, and agreed as well.

"Hey, man," Dean said, getting Ash's attention. He turned to the Winchester brother, "by the way, I, uh, dig the haircut." I smiled and walked towards Sam only to hear: "all business up front and party in the back." and I laughed. Maybe all this time with the Winchester brothers wouldn't be as bad as I thought. 

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