A New Chapter

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Sorry for taking long with this update!!

...Kishimoto owns Naruto, ya know!

Chapter 4: A New Chapter

Hinata POV

It's been 2 and a half weeks since ending things with Naruto. I have been trying to leave the compound as little as possible to avoid run ins with anyone. Yes, even my friends and my teammates. It would be so awkward because I know Naruto will be in the mix. I have no desire to be around him or Sakura.

I haven't been leaving the compound but I have been putting on a smile in front of my family. I have made an intentional effort to be okay... even if I still feel hollow. I usually helped cooking dinner, in the gardens, with Hanabi's training, and even with father's copious amounts of paperwork. When I have nothing to keep my thoughts from wandering, I just sit and knit. I've started making a warm cap, it was too large for my head so I guess I will end up giving it to someone... I have been enjoying being with my family but I'm about to go stir crazy from just being here so often.

Ugh, I think I just need time away from the village, I internally groaned. That thought suddenly flipped a switch on in my brain!
Cue Light Bulb! I have been so busy avoiding leaving my compound that I didn't even think of going on a mission away from the village. Duh Hinata, I mentally facepalmed at myself.

We have been at peace for a while now and there hasn't been many difficult missions outside of Konoha, but maybe if I just ask Lord Sixth then he would let me go anyway.

I quickly went to my room with determination surging through my body. I grabbed multiple pairs of ninja and civilian clothes, my weapons, book of herbs and edible plant, first aid kit, and cooking supplies and sealed them away into the appropriate scrolls. I packed my scrolls into my bag. Then I showered and changed into my ninja clothes and tied my hair back into a neat bun.

I went to fathers office and let him know that I was requesting a mission away from home for a while and he understood and just nodded. I stopped in my tracks at the," Be safe, Hinata". I promised him and continued to let Hanabi and Ko-San know as well. I reassured them that I would keep in touch and quickly rushed to the gates leading out of the Hyūga Compound.

I stopped before I reached the guards of my compound as my heart sped up. I began to panic. What if I run into him?... I almost stopped myself and then activated my Byakugan and looked around the area.

Okay I don't see anyone around, I'm all good, I think to myself. I quickly ran to the Hokage's tower avoiding all of his favorite hangout spots. I search the whole building with my Byakugan while on the bottom floor before practically sprinting towards the Hokage's office. I only slow down when I see Shizune at the door and I stop before crashing into her. I rubbed the back of my head and bow to her.

"Oh hello, Shizune-San. Excuse me", I say softly as I knock on the Hokage's door. "Come in", I hear Lord Sixth's casual voice. I step inside and bow deeply.
"Oh Hinata, what a pleasant surprise. How can I help you today?" He asked. I saw the knowing glint in his eye but pushed those thoughts aside.
"Lord Sixth, I'd like to request a long term mission outside of the village", I say firmly to him. He nods his head in thought. "Are you sure about this Hinata?" He asks cautiously. "Yes, Hokage-sama. I need some time away from here", I say softly. He seemed to agree, "I guess that would be for the best."

He searched through his mountains of paper work and found a scroll that he was certainly pleased with. "I was going to eventually look into having one of our medic-nin go travel through the other hidden villages and in between to study about other medicinal plants and herbs, and other medical techniques. You'll be perfect for this Hinata", he exclaimed. "Along with these duties, I'd like for you to be building our relationships and helping Konoha gain more allies wherever you go. I'll just need a report sent back every 3 months on your safety and the status of the mission."

I nodded my head and bowed deeply again. "Oh always so formal", he chuckled at me causing my face to heat up. "Thank you very much. I will be leaving now", I say softly. I turned towards the door to leave but his voice stopped me, "I hope things get better." I just nodded as I knew what he was referring to. I sped out of the room and down the hall but I crashed right into someone.

Emerald eyes stared at me in shock and I knew exactly who it was... Sakura.....someone I definitely wanted to avoid. "Hinata, I-I I'm sorry", she stumbled out and looked down at the ground.
"I mean... we can't help how we feel."
I've never felt such a burning desire to tell someone off as I had now but I am a member of the proud Hyūga Clan and would never stoop to such a pathetic level. "Excuse me, Sakura-san", I say since I did bump into her but I ignored the rest of her excuses and continued down the hall. I was sprinting by the time I was outside the Hokage's Tower. I kept running until I was finally at the gate and I turned to look back one more time. I just wanted to memorize every aspect of this village, my home. I'd lived my entire life here but who knows when I would see this place again.

I guess this is goodbye.

I reached into my bag and grabbed my camera and snapped a picture of the village then I showed the guards my official mission and was let outside the gates.

I just kept running until I knew I wouldn't be able to see it even if I did turn around.
Warm tears flew out of my eyes as I hopped through the trees but I smiled at the beauty around me. It was peaceful. This is the start of a new chapter, I can just feel it.

The next chapter will be Sasuke's POV so stay tuned!!!
Finally I'm so glad Hina decided to leave! But what do you think of Sakura and what she said to her before she left? Wheww🤦🏾‍♀️
Also please please pleaseee let me know what you think so far !! Thanks again for reading!

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