Chapter 1/ Across Time

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The tavern was dead silent. The three holy knight treo just told the Seven Deadly Sins they'd be going on a mission to find a ancient lost group known as the Seven Heavenly Virtues

The king himself appointed the Seven Deadly Sins to this mission and for the three holy knights, Gilthunder, Howzer, And Griamor to go with them.

"We don't even know if they are alive" Merlin states "Well they're the one shot to help you defeat the Ten Commandments." Howzer encouraged.

"Howzer is right" Meliodas said. "The polar opposites of The Sins might be able to overpower the Ten Commandments once and for all"

"Who should we look for first?" Diane (smol Diane) asked.

"The leader of course" King huffed

"Gabriel, the Phoenix Virtue of Humility" Merlin says


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