Chapter 2/ The begining

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The Sins set out of Lioness and on the journey to where it is said Gabriel rests.

It's said he lives in the clouds and watches the world, knowing but never doing anything.

If it's true he knows the Sins are looking for him, which could lead to something helpful or not so much.

The night was foggy and Hawk's Mama was having a hard time seeing through such thick fog. They decided to stop and camp at the top of a hill, overlooking a small village.

The tavern was lit up in various back up lights because of the fog, so at least if something was happening you had a chance to see it.

The air was blowing loudly outside, almost hard enough to shake the windows. It was confusing because it was in the spring.

The rain then started a few hours after, making the ground slick and hard to walk on without falling in mud.

Elizabeth was walking around cleaning with Gowther and Escanor. They picked up the old dishes and cleaned them, then dusted off the counter and tables.

The knock at the door was barley heard from the loud noises from outside but Gowther was able to hear it.

Gowther went over and swiftly opened the door to see a man, in his mid twenties to early thirties in a cloak and soaking wet in rain.

Elizabeth saw what was happening and ushered him inside.

The rest of the Sins went downstairs to see what was going on since they heard Elizabeth's panicked tone.

"Who's that?" Mel asked in a curious tone. "Not sure" Merlin says "But I'll find out" she added and walked over

She spoke to him for a moment then pulled off his cloak with no warning

Everyone gasped in shock

Haha cliff hanger

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