Chapter 5

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Precalc and world history went by fast, all we did was play some icebreaker games to get to know each other, but that was unnecessary because I already knew I wouldn't talk to anyone else in that class except Colin. After the bell had rung, dismissing us from 2nd period, Colin and I were starting to head downstairs towards the cafeteria for lunch, already deciding that we hated our first two classes. The hallways were busy with kids running to get in the lunch line or running to get to a club before the late bell rang.

Colin and I went to the school elevator, and when the doors opened we were face to face with Thomas. His face lit up with maniacal glee as he saw us. "Oh it's the asshats," he said, flickering his eyes back and forth between us. I rolled my eyes, it's like every corner I turn I'm met with someone I hate. I envisioned a cement block breaking through the roof and crushing him but when I got back to reality he was still there.

Thomas walked past us, kicking one of Colin's crutches as he did so, making Colin almost lose his balance. I sneered at his receding figure and helped Colin regain his balance as we got into the elevator. "Honestly fuck him," Colin grumbled.

"Couldn't agree more. He should just go fucking fuck himself because he's a fucking lil fuck," I said, laughing. Colin snorted and pressed the button on the elevator making it close.

We started walking through the throng of people, making our way to the crowded cafeteria. We quickly got our lunch and scanned the cafeteria for any open seats, and the only open table was the one in the corner with a few girls giggling over some photo on another girls phone.

We sat down, and all the girls eyes flashed to us, as if asking why we were there. We ignored their gazes and started eating. A few minutes later one of the girls turned to us to initiate a conversation, "So.. why do you have crutches?"

Colin was clearly caught off guard by the bluntness of her words, but his shock soon turned to an uncomfortable silence, "he really doesn't like talking about it, and I don't see how it's any of your concern," I said, saving Colin from having to say anything. The girl clicked her tongue, "I was trying to make conversation..." she mumbled.

"No it's fine," Colin said smiling, trying to relieve the tension. The rest of lunch went by fairly fast, and I was starting to wonder where Noah was. I felt bad for just leaving him to be on his own on the first day in a new school.

The bell rang dismissing us from lunch, and we quickly threw away our trash and started walking through the school trying to find a club to go to. "The library's open, wanna go there?" I asked, scrolling through my phone for all the clubs the school offered us. "I was actually going to go to Orchestra to practice," Colin said, walking ahead of me. "It's literally the first day of school, what do you even need to practice?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Well this year I'm aiming for All-State so I need to start practicing way more," Colin said, stopping in front of the fine arts hall. I sighed and waved a goodbye to him as I made my way to the library.

All of last year, this was the only place I came for club because everything was quiet, and there was a small space in the back of the library filled with bean bags, comfy chairs and tables and it made a good place to study, draw or just take a 30 minute power nap.

I took out my sketchbook book and pencil and stared at my empty page. As soon as I put my pencil on the page, I'd take it off again. I really couldn't think of anything to draw.

I heard a chair get pulled beside me and I looked up to see Noah. He looked at my empty paper and chuckled, "no inspiration huh?" I sighed and nodded, tapping my pencil absentmindedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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