Kuroo ~ Pet

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You : Babe?

Ping! That was fast

Kuroo : What's up, kitty?

You blushed at his pet name for you

You : Nothing. I'm just bored.

Kuroo : Oh~~ is that so? How odd. You almost never text me during class

You : I'm not in school.

Kuroo: Oh? Wow Y/N I didn't take you for a skipping school person.

You: I'm not skipping!

Kuroo : okayy okayy chill kitten, I'm just teasing. What's wrong?

You : I sprained my ankle :(((

Kuroo : Oh no my babyyy, want me to lick it better for you?

You : .....

You : Kuroo senpai......do you have a foot fetish?

Kuroo : only for your feet ;)

You : Ewww

Kuroo : I'm kidding I'm kidding. Tho I do wanna kiss it better for my baby.

You : Stoppp I'm blushinggg

Kuroo : How cute.

He's so good at playing with your heart strings.

You : Okay okay stop being smooth. Tell me what's up.

Kuroo : Stop being smooth? Say something possible, darling.

How many pet names does he have for you? Don't ask.

Kuroo : the boys and I were just having a practice match. Nothing new.

You : Aww. Say hi to Lev for me.

Kuroo : Lev? Since when were u two close?

You : I told you babe. I helped him with his homework when he was new. Plus, he's really friendly so we became friends fast

Kuroo : I see.

You : babe~ are you jelly?

Kuroo : Nope.

You : you are, aren't you?

Kuroo : maybe a lil.

You : aww don't be mad at me.

Kuroo : I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him for hitting on my gf. I'm gonna make him do some extra push ups today.

You : Aww babe don't be harsh. He wasn't flirting and plus, it's your fault since you haven't officially introduced me to the team yet.

Kuroo : .....I just don't want them to steal you away from me.

You : they won't. I'm yours.

Kuroo : Oh yeah? You know what? I'll introduce you to the team next time. But before that, I need to make sure they know you're mine.

You : how?

"how about I show you instead?" you turned around and were now face-to-face with Kuroo. "Hi," he said cheekily, smirking at you. "WHAT THE FUCK KUROO YOU SCARED ME"

"Sorry, you know I'm good at sneaking up on people" "Yeah but I didn't know that skill included breaking into people's houses" "Well now you know so how about we get down to business?" He climbed on top of you. You blushed and looked to the side "Fine". Kuroo smiled down at you, a happy smile. And then...
Let's just say you had a GOOD time.

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