Part Two

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Sliding to a stop the duo arrive outside the building their weapons drawn and at the ready the Brit lowers the weapon in his right hand and grabs a small ball glowing with high temperatures the flames swirling around its container the German has a ball of the same size his covered in ice. Holstering them to their sides for easy access the two nod and get on either side of the door the Brit taking lead and looking into the first room filled with the guards lined up watching the door the Brit throws his two daggers at the left and right guard and is warped in front of the third guard drop-kicking him and grabs his two daggers as he lands and stabs the third in the heart. Entering the room the German chuckles "for a blind man you certainly don't fight like one" the Brit grins "when you've done it for years it becomes a reflex" the two drop behind cover as a group of six enter the room from a door leading towards a Garage. Snatching his ball of ice from his hip the German throws it at the six man group and rushes them, the ball of ice freezing them seconds before they get sliced in half. After slicing the group in half the German flicks his bastard sword to the side the blood flying off it and onto a wall. 

the Brit stands up and the duo meet in the middle of the room the German looks at the second door in the room "vithout a doubt the rest heard us in here so expect zhem to push soon" the Brit nods "how about we set up a defence of sorts I have a couple of traps that can be used" the German nods "zhat vould work" the Brit materialises a couple bear traps with Ice orbs in the centre and three explosive traps with Ice orbs in the centre. Carefully the two begin placing them around the room the three explosive traps covering the three doors and the two bear traps placed underneath the windows the two then move two tables to be used as cover although they know it won't serve much of a purpose.

hearing shouting to their left the Brit prepares his daggers while watching the door way an EMP is thrown into the room disabling the traps as two enter the windows being frozen and the trio enter the the door the Brit was watching the duo hadn't been seen yet the trio who entered through the door step into the centre and see their two teammates frozen a Brit is heard talking into a radio "We need Med-Evac for both Amaru and Ash both are frozen in a massive chunk of ice whoever is here aren't here to muck about" chatter is heard from the radio although quite quiet. the duo look at each other behind the table the Brit whispers to the German "isn't that the man who helped us earlier I recognise his voice" the German nods and the duo decide to stand up the German immediately saying "don't shoot friendlies" the Brit who just entered the building immediately training the sights of his HK33a2 on the duo and asks "I helped you earlier why are you both here" the German points at the bodies around the room "ve have done most of your job already" the HK33a2 wielder looks around the room spotting the bodies and lowers his rifle he activates his radio and talks into it "unexpected help spotted within the building how should we proceed" the man nods a couple of times "we'll clear the rest of the building you two stay with the frozen two" the duo nod as the three move into the rooms that haven't been cleared the blind Brit grabs the fire orb off his hip and walks over to the two currently frozen operatives and disables the frost traps then uses the fire orb to thaw them out. 

after a few minutes the two operatives are seating around a ball of fire being controlled by the Brit to warm the two known as Amaru and Ash the trio finally return to the group and see the two thawed out the HK33a2 wielder decides to walk towards the four man and looks at the blind Brit "how'd you do all that" the Brit sighs and shows a fire and ice orb "we use these and implement them into traps to give us the advantage. when placed within traps they can be more concentrated and affect on person when used outside a trap case in point the six frozen and sliced in half they have a sizeable area of effect when thrown and make contact with something or someone" the HK33a2 wielder nods "well we have to take you muppets in for questioning so follow me and don't argue" the two nod and follow the five man out of the building know they wouldn't win the fight even if they engaged it.

the two are led outside and into a Helicopter with a set destination to the Military base they'd seen upon their arrival. 

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