Chapter 10: A Date to Remember

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I dropped Felicia home, it was a large apartment complex in the good part of town. She seemed embarrassed to admit she lived there, but I didn't really care. I gave her a deep good night kiss before leaving back home.

My leg was hurting, I managed to hide the limp from Felicia so that she wouldn't be worried but now I didn't bother hiding the limp.

I managed to convince May and Ben I just twisted my ankle while dancing, laughing it off. They asked me if I was alright, they heard about Electro, and I lied, telling them I was nowhere near that psycho.

I went into my room and quickly changed into my night clothes. I pulled the vial of Electro's blood suit pocket and looked at it, it still sparked in power. I hide in under my bed and lied down intending to get some sleep.

But five minutes later my door creaked open. I grumbled, I already knew who it was, "I thought you would give me a week to think about it."

"That was before you took out a man that shot lightning out of his ass," came Fury's response as he took a seat on my chair, "besides, I came to understand you already made up your mind."

"Did she tell you my conditions?" I asked.

"Yes, she did. Tell me kid, why are you so obsessed with this small place? Why limit yourself?"

"This is my home Fury, why wouldn't I want to protect it?" I asked.

"Are you expecting it to be burnt to the ground if you're not there to protect it?"

"Last month I stopped a man in a wearable tank suit destroy a street and today I stopped a man that shot lightning out of his fingers from killing people. Do you want to ask me that again?"

Fury looked impressed, he remained silent, it was an interrogation tactic, one I wasn't falling for. Finally he broke first, "she also told me the other condition you had. You want to keep what you make for us?"

"You'll give me funding and access, I want autonomy for whatever I invent."

"That's a lot of freedom you're asking for. Why should I believe you won't just take this tech and run away?"

"What makes you think I'll listen to you while training?" I raised an eyebrow, "you need me and I need you. You know me, do you really think I'm capable of doing that?"


I smirked, "good. Because I am. But I also don't like letting people get hurt when I can stop it. So until you allow me to do that you won't get any problem from me."

Fury thought it over for a moment before nodding, "the conditions are...acceptable. Are you ready to begin?"

"What? Now?"

"Yes, why? Did you want to sleep?" he asked in a mocking tone.

I growled, "for your information I actually did get hurt in the last fight," I pointed at my leg which was now visibly bruised, "it's going to take me a few days to heal."

Fury narrowed his eyes, "do you need medicine? We can provide medical support if you wish."

"No, I can't be sure how my body will react to a foreign substance, I'm still not sure just what inside me has changed. I'll be fine, just give me two days or so."

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