Chapter 34: The Parkers

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"I'm sorry we can't help more," Franklin said as the Fantastic Five, May and I all gathered around the veranda.

"No, you guys have done enough," I sighed, "honestly it's nice to know I'm going back home, eventually."

"Again, I apologize for not being of more help," came Reed's robotic voice before he turned away and floated back inside.

I eyed him and sighed, "Johnny, Ben, he needs help."

"Ever since Sue did he hasn't been the same," Johnny explained, "and frankly I don't think he ever will be."

"Relax web head, he has us, he'll be fine." Ben shrugged.

I nodded, " of these days you're going to tell me how you lost that arm."

"Sure kid," Ben chuckled.

I turned to Franklin and smiled, holding out my hand which he shaked, "thanks Franky. For everything."

Franklin smiled back, "no problem...Spider-man."

"You could show some more enthusiasm kid," Johnny snorted, "isn't he like your favorite superhero ever?"

"Uncle Johnny!" Franklin cried out blushing a little.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's true, while growing up you were Franky's hero," Lyja replied with a soft smile, "he always used to go on and on about how amazing you were."

I smiled as I turned to Frankie, "heh, nice. You want an autograph?"

Franklin blushed as he looked away, "i-if you wouldn't mind."

I chuckled as I took out a pen from May's bag, 'hey!' and signed Franklin's uniform. He insisted. May and I wished them luck as we web swung away. I was kind of embarrassing having my daughter carry around town, but hey, that's what I get.

Suddenly my stomach began growling, "hey May, know any place we can eat?"

"I know just the place! Come on!" May called out as she swung back to Queens, landing on a Dinner named 'Jerry's'.

She then quickly put on her normal clothes over her costume, talking to me as she did, "my dad I and used to come here often, you know the place?"

I shrugged, "can't say I do. But hey, if I thought it was good, what the heck right?"

We climbed down through the back and walked around, entering the place and quickly finding us seats in one corner. We ordered quickly, she got some chicken drums and a salad while I ordered waffles.

"Why waffles?" May asked.

I shrugged, "why not? They way I see it you should never need a reason to have the food you like."

May smiled, "nice logic pops." I smirked, she sighed, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you out more."

"Oh please, it's fine."

"No, it's not. When I came over to your world you found Spyral in a few hours, now I can't even do the same."

I chuckled, "hey, relax May, I'll be fine," I held her hand tight, "knowing my luck though I'll be stuck here for a few weeks, maybe more. So you should feel less sorry for me, and more worried about how you're going to deal with a 16 year old version of your dad."

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