city exploration

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Nighttime had made its way to London , noodle had fallen asleep in a FedEx crate with a small hole in one of the sides. Waking up , she climbed out and grabbed her guitar case , swinging it over her shoulder. The city was quiet and at peace. Noodle walked around town with a small smile on her face as wind blew through her hair. One part of her face was scarred up ,a scar that wouldn't go away for a long while. A sudden mask stand caught noodles eye.

"Konichuwa." The man behind the stand said. Noodle walked over to the stand and stares at the array of masks in front of her. A cat mask , a dragon mask , a gorilla mask , an alligator mask , and a monkey mask. One of these masks stood out to noodle. It was a kitsune mask , its face being all white and the features having a purple outline. Noodle picked up the kitsune mask. "how much??" Noodle asked. "Five dollars young lady." The man said. Pulling five dollars from her pocket , noodle gave the man the money , thanking him , and walking off , putting the mask around her guitar case.

"Ey , little one." A voice said. Noodle stopped dead in her tracks and turned to the source. A woman was standing against a building , smoking a cigarette. She had black hair and chestnut brown eyes , her skin being tan. "What are you doin out here?" The woman asked. Shit. Noodle needed to think of some excuse , lie about her age, something.

"I'm..I'm actually 18.. just really short is all.." noodle said. "Ah , no growth spurt eh? That's alright. Just moving out?" The women asked again. Noodle just nodded in response. "There's a good hotel you can stay in , I have the address." The women gives noodle a little piece of paper with an address.

"Arigato Ms..uh.." noodle paused , realising she never got the women's name. "call me Presley dear. " The women said. "I'm Nokiro. Pleasure to meet you." Noodle said with a small smile on her face as she waved goodbye. "see ya , nice name by the way." Presley said as she walked away. Noodle walked the opposite direction , making her way to the hotel.

im still alive (Gorillaz fanfiction #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora