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I remember the first time I heard your voice. It radiated through me like blood pumping in my veins. Soft, calm, and caring.
When I walk the halls and see the room we met in, i can almost hear your voice bouncing off every wall. That room will always make me smile, no matter what.
I remember the first time you told me to text you after school. I remember how nervous I was to text you. Wondering if you'd actually text back. Though I was clueless what was to come.
I remember the first time I hugged you, knowing how touch starved you were. I felt your stomach clench up as you were in shock. Your body jolting suddenly at the touch of another person. I know it hurt, but I know you needed it.
I remember the first time you told me I was your bestfriend. That scene still replays in my head, as a reminder of us becoming closer. In that moment I felt like an angel. My heart made of gold, and brain of belladonna.
I remember how I talked about you to everyone I knew. They all thought i had a small crush on you like a child. The truth was I was in love with you, but I'd never let that out. How i could i let something out that could risk losing our friendship? I couldn't. I didnt ever wanna lose you.

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