Chapter 2

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"Welcome to your new hell kid."

Izuku's POV

I looked around realizing I wasn't in my living room looking at my mother anymore, but in a room smelling like dirt and slightly like something rotten. Realizing the mess I am now in I unconsciously started shaking. 

"Damn kid stop moving. It's fucking annoying." Someone said while kicking me onto the hard floor. Looking up I saw Shigaraki staring at me menacingly. Seeing my gaze he smirked, seeing the absolute terror on my features.

" Dabi, grab him for me." Shigaraki said tilting his head at me, while walking towards a door. Dabi, under command grabbed me, holding me in the air enough, so my feet can't touch the floor, followed Shigaraki. After a minute stopping at a door, just to throw me in and close it behind me. The room was pitch black for a second until a hinge was unlocked and a hole opened on the door. Large enough for me to have a little light and see Shigaraki's mouth.

"Be prepared for your new life to start tomorrow," He shifted his body so I now saw his eyes, behind them holding a devilish spark. " You are now my personal experiment. Night, Izuku Midoriya" Before I could process what he said he shut the hole off. Leaving me in darkness.

A few weeks later

You never realize how much pain the human body can feel till you actually go through it. After my first night here Shigaraki forced me into a chair, almost like the ones they have at the dentist, but with arm, leg and torso holds, keeping me in the same place 24/7. If that wasn't bad enough he started experimenting on me. In his words, my body is perfect for experiments. Because he doesn't have to worry about a quirk changing the results of them. Yeah, that's another thing. During one of the many hours of pain and experiments he was talking about all the things he knew about me, from a spy he had following me.

I guess he was trying to scare me but by that point I knew not to give him that satisfaction, he would take that as a win and just poke and punch me more but one good thing about him is he gets bored fast, so most of the time I'm left in my 'room' alone, but that doesn't help because it means I'm also left alone with my thoughts, yelling at me for all of this. Making me think of how life could be if I wasn't born quirkless. 'Would mom still be alive? Would kacchan still be my best friend? Would he keep our promise of become the wonder duo?'

Today, while I was stuck in my thoughts I didn't realize that Shigaraki walked in, someone following him in toe.

Feeling a hit on the back of my head brought me bad to the present, making me realize the shadows hovering above me.

"Finally, jeez, stop that fucking mumbling. Makes me want to blow your head off, already." Shigaraki says walking back towards the other person in the room.

"See sir, this is the child you requested. He's been good so far, except the fucking mumbling and whining, but needs training. So, what do you think?" Forcing myself to look up towards the other figures face, or where his face supposably should be. With the room so dark I just see the shape of him.  Finally in the light I see every detail of him, but what stood out was his seeming missing head. Replaced with a black shell with tubing going into it.

This is the first person Shigaraki has brought in here other than Dabi. Child he requested? What does that mean?

"Tomura well done, Does he talk or just stare rudely at others?" I realized to late what he said when my head snapped to the side. A resonating sound flew across the room.

"Damn kid stop fucking around, and stop staring at Master!" Wait, Master? I thought Shigaraki was the highest in this place. So he is a higher rank than Tomura. Why am I meeting him anyways? He seems just to be another villian, creepier, but still, villain's are all the same.
"Okay Tomura leave us alone, I want to speak to him alone." Tomura looked over to 'master' and nodded, leaving the room. Making it a unsettling quiet.

" Now you seem different that how Tomura said." Walking closer he squeezes my arm, effectively making me flinch.
"Weaker than he said." He said with what sounded like a scoff. Closing my mouth I wished to yell at him to shut up. But staying quiet, not wanting to see what he would do.

"Oh I guess I haven't let you introduce yourself." He said while sitting in a small chair in front of me. Staying quiet I think he is joking. Until I hear the disgust and booming annoyance in his tone.
" I said introduce yourself." He said with what I assume would be bored glare if he actually had eyes.

Swallowing I start up, voice raspy. " I-im Izu-uku Mi-midoriya."
Hearing laughing I tense in extreme confusion. " Well of course I already knew that. I've been watching you for so long, it would be concerning if I didn't know your name by now, why don't I help fill in the blanks, your three, just had your birthday a month ago, found out you were quirkless a few days before, already bullied by that kid, Bakugou Katsuki was it? And how you of so desperately want to be a hero.... I can keep going on all day if you like?" He says stunning me. 'Who is this guy?! Is he the one Shigaraki failed to mention was stalking me?

I wanted answers and an explanation, but decided against it seeing the hideous smirk he had on his face.
"Though you being quirkless is perfect for us, the league in general, we have been trying to make a weapon of mass destruction to defeat all might, but all have failed, but we always used someone as a base who was born with a quirk. All effectively compulsively dying off. But you also will help shigaraki by being a training dummy. It always just depends who want to use you for the time." 'Wow am I just a blue box DVD to you guys then?'

'Wait! Did he say defeat All Might!!! Nononono...'

I start struggling in my restraints and he took notice of this.

"Calm down, you won't even realize, your brain will be mush by the time we finalize our plans."

'w-what' after I process everything I start shaking violently. Which again he took notice too. This time grabbing my arms harshly. At the last second a rush of forced power flew at me, making me scream in pain.

After a minute he released my arms and the extreme pain dwindled to a constant buzz feeling. " You need to shut up and listen," sharply, I nod and he continues. "You will never get your freedom, you will never feel the love of your friends again, and you will Never see the light of day for the rest of your life!" He started walking away. 'Why, me?' I thought while he started walking away.

A devilish smirk showed up on his face when he turned around and looked into my eyes. Seeing evident fear in them. "Well I have many reasons, but manly I just wanted to see my son again, Izuku..."

Slipping from consciousness, the last thing I thought before the I heard the door shut was,


With that everything goes dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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