Why is everything crap

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Jfc I wanna die

Why do I feel like so much of this book is going to be just me saying that I want to die but like

It's true

AAANNNYYWAY Lets see how this day was crappy
• I woke up late and almost forgot to bring my computer to school
• I DID forget my beanie (was the one day a year we're allowed to wear hats), my book AND my charger
• I had to run the Fitness Gram Pacer Test™️ so that was fun (I was the third to last one running bc - incoming brag - I have pretty damn good stamina
• I got yelled at by an instructor for cursing in class
• I volunteered to run for president of a club that I dONT EVEN LIKE
• I missed my ride so I had to walk home alone instead of with my normal group and a 40-50 minute walk is pretty boring when you don't have your friends with you and you can't listen to music bc you FORGOT YOUR FUCKING CHARGER AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO READ BC YOU FORGOT YOUR BOOK
• I wanted to try writing a fanfic with my friend because I've written lots of stories (originals on other sites and ones that I've turned in for projects the past couple years in my creative writing projects) but I've never actually written a fanfic, and she looked me dead in the eye and said "you can't handle it." So that was a nice blow to my already damaged self-esteem
• I had fucking chem today (like the subject, hate the class)

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