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This is where we are, with senpai- StEvEn!!!..... yeah, Steven.

Steven's p.o.v

-time skip to morning-

I groan as my alarm goes off "ughhh, where am I?" I hear Lars as he wakes up, I sit up, turn my alarm off, and look at Lars with a smile. "Hey Lars!" I say happily, he looks at me, then looks at the floor next to him "wasn't Louisa here?" He asks. 'I wonder where she is' "yeah, but Jenny, Buck, and Sour Cream came here last night to hang out. After we got done, and almost killed, she took a ride home with them, I guess she didn't stay the night here." Lars glares at the floor, then he looks back up at me asking "does she have her phone?" I shrug my shoulders.

Lars just gets up, grabs his phone, and I'm guessing dials her number "don't even try to say anything, if they're not so cool, then why stay with them? Bye." He hung up the phone and walked out the front door, looking upset as he walks past (Y/n). I smile big at the sight of her "(Y/N)!!" I say happily and go to hug her, she just laughed and hugged back. "I brought Christie and Blake to train, but also to hang out, even though-" "even though we'd be third and fourth wheeling." Christie hits Blakes shoulder "we'll try not to be much of a bother, even though we're gonna be with you guys for most of the time."

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Steven laughs at this, but I glare at Blake "he won't be quiet about third and fourth wheeling, he also kept asking questions about us." We walk in, but Steven has to get dressed "I'll be right back" but once Steven got into the bathroom, the front door opened. "Okay Peedee, you're weapons are daggers?" Pearl asks getting my attention, Peedee and Pearl are walking in. Pearl looks at us "oh, hello children! Peedee is training with us today too, so let's get ready. Where's Steven?" Pearl asked while looking at me "changing, he'll be out in a minute."

I am full on glaring at Peedee, he hurt Louisa, and even threatened her with his weapons!! Blake and Christie look at me confused "you're gonna have to fill us in." Christie nods in agreement at Blakes words, but I just shake my head "Peedee knows what he did." Steven walks out nervously saying "okay, let's go train!" We all walk onto the warp pad "today is going to be difficult. Or at least I'm going to pick at random to see who's stronger than who, wait where's Louisa?" Pearl asks. Steven shrugs his shoulders as Peedee looks at the ground with his arms crossed "she didn't come home last night."

Pearl rolls her eyes "of course she didn't, anyways, I'll just make a holo-Pearl to fight, you're going into groups of two. Steven you'll be with (Y/n)" we smile and high five eachother, then we just hold hands as the other groups get made. "Blake you'll be with Peedee" the two roll their eyes, but lightly punch the other on the shoulder. "Christie, you're gonna have to-" "wait, I'm here!" We hear Louisa yell, her hair messed up as she came towards us. "Took you long enough" Pearl says as Louisa get to us "I'm fine, thanks for asking, I had to sleep in a car last night."

"Christie you'll be with Louisa" they smile and fist bump "girl power" they say in unison and listen to Pearl "let's just do a free-for-all in teams. Okay everyone, grab your weapons, and get ready!"

I grab Roses sword that Pearl has out for me, to be honest I think I always use Roses sword now.
Christie grabs out a katana, that's the weapon she used when she and Blake saved me.

Steven just summoned his shield and smiled at me.
Louisa summoned her arrows as she smirks along with Christie.
Blake just grabs his sword that he used last time, and I'm guessing he winked at Louisa.
Peedee elbows Blake as he grabs out his daggers with a angered look on his face.

Something tells me this is gonna be drama-filled fight "go!" Pearl says as she stands off to the side to watch, and Blake goes after Steven and I. Steven blocked his blow, so I try my best to deweapon him with my sword, but it's kinda hard. Christie starts to separate Steven from me, so I don't really have a shield now, and Steven can only block. Louisa starts to help Christie with separating us, Blake gives Peedee a nod, Peedee nods back. Peedee comes to me and starts to fight me, at this I know not to hold back, he's trying his hardest.

Peedee starts to corner me, I trip over a tile that's loose in the ground, he puts a dagger to my throat, but I started to think of everything he's done to Louisa. Louisa may have done that stuff with Steven, but she's still my friend, Peedee hurt her emotionally. Anger goes through me, so I kick his dagger up in the air and start to fight him off, because he only has one dagger now. Peedee looks at me shocked at my comeback, but he pulls out what I think is a sai from his sleeve. That caught me by surprise, but I still kept my ground, Peedee was good at this, but I am too.

Peedee looked like he was spacing off, so I'm getting close to using this to my advantage "no!" Peedee yells and throws his sai at me. The sai got my shirt sleeve, and stuck in the wall of this place, I couldn't get it out, but Peedee wasn't caring about me. He ran all the way to just block a hit from Blake to save Louisa, I watch shocked, I thought he was upset at her. It's like everyone was shocked by this, well everyone except Pearl.....

"If you're gonna be helping Louisa, I should've just paired you two up to begin with."


Okay that should be it my foodies, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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