Chapter 8

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Nico felt good inside when Percy's arm was around him. His clothing felt like it fit right and despite the staring from some people as they walked down the halls, he finally felt like this was where he was meant to be.

And God, Percy's eyes were gorgeous.

They went back to his house that day. As usual, no one was home. His dad was off at his job doing something morbid as usual, and his step mom was at her flower shop doing the exact opposite. And Hazel always got out of school late on Fridays.

They were sitting on his bed in silence, appreciating the presence of the other.

And then Percy leaned over and very shyly kissed Nico. It felt like his body was on fire and in ice at the same time, shivers running up and down his legs and his heart beating so fast he might have passed out.

Percy's arms were around him in a second, pulling him closer. Normally Nico didn't like physical contact, but this...

And when his fingers tugged at the hem of his boyfriend's shirt, he willingly obliged. Nico flushed when he saw Percy's chest and felt only slightly upset at how much more fit Percy was from him, but still let Percy remove his black shirt too.

All that shame disappeared as soon as Percy's lips met his shoulder and his fingers ran over the scars on his hips.

Percy didn't care that his boyfriend was in the least bit scarred. It made Nico even more beautiful, if that was possible.

All thoughts left their heads when Nico's tongue flicked across Percy's and hit something in his mouth that made them both moan.

Percy's thumbs were rubbing circles on Nico's hips and his brain went fuzzy.

"We...should probably stop," he said to his disappointment. Percy gave him one last kiss and smiled, his eyes half lidded and the only thing running through his veins was happiness.

Even through his fuzzy brain Percy thought Nico was the most beautiful person he had ever seen or met. Nico sat back on his heels. He flinched slightly as Percy reached out and touched the scars, his fingers running lightly over the white that stood out on the pale-olive skin.

"What are you doing?" Nico gasped out with a bit of a forced smile.

"You. You're so beautiful," Percy said, closing his eyes and letting his head rest on the pillow, his fingers still exploring Nico's scars.

"Not as beautiful as you." Nico laid down next to Percy and put his head on Percy's chest.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Nico lazily sucked at Percy's collarbone, extracting elicit moans from the other boy and smiling at his work.

"We should do homework..."


Percy's eyes flew open hours later when Nico's door swung open slowly and a tall man poked his head in.

The man was tall and dark looking, but handsome nonetheless. If this was Nico's father, he could see where he got his looks from.

The man cleared his throat and looked rather awkward. Percy's arms tightened around Nico and buried his head into the crook of his neck, pretending to have not seen.

Nico stirred and turned his head.

"Oh, hey dad, home from work?"

"Yeah. Is this the boy you've been telling me about?"

"Yeah, dad."

"Alright, be safe. I'll be out in the kitchen if you need anything."

"Okay, thanks dad." Nico turned and buried his head back into Percy's shoulder and squeezed his arms around him gently.

"Mmm, what time is it?" Percy's voice was cracked and tired, and his eyes could barely stay open.

"'Bout five."


The moment was broken when his phone lit up and started buzzing. He groaned and reached for it, knowing it was his mom.

"Hey mom," he said when he answered it.

"Percy? Where are you? You didn't come home, so I-"

"Yeah, sorry, I fell asleep. I'm at Nico's house." The words sounded so bad once they were off his tongue and out of his mouth and he cringed.

He could hear his mom sighing. "I know you're seventeen and I can't stop you from doing these things, but at least be safe about it, okay? Paul or I can take you out to get condoms and there are pamphlets and-"

"Yes, yes! Thank you Mom!" He said a little louder than necessary. Nico was barely holding it together, his chest vibrating against Percy's with laughter.

"Okay." There was a long pause and then a rushed, "Be safe, love you! Text me when you're coming home! Bye!"

Percy's thumb nearly shattered with the force he used to end the call. His face was bright red and he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Oh. My. God."

"Trust me, that's not as awkward as the time my dad insisted on buying those things with me for parental guidance. It was even more awkward when I had to take him into a sex store because he wouldn't stay in the car."

Now Percy was laughing too.

"My mom tries to be a good parent and she is, really, but when it comes to things like this I think I'd rather not have her help."

"We've literally been together for less than a day and both our parents think we're sleeping together. I've known you for what? Three weeks?"

Three weeks. Three weeks since the pool. Three weeks since Annabeth. Three weeks since a stranger had pulled him out of Death's arms and taught him there was a reason to live.

Or was there?

He felt so alive and yet so empty. His heart was racing but it wasn't beating at all.

He looked over at Nico's dark eyes and smiled. Oh, right, this was the reason to live. A beautiful boy, a handful of great, unique friends, senior year and college to work towards.

And for now, Percy was happy.

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