Chapter 11

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Percy didn't feel right in his skin. He wished Nico could be the magical fix of all his problems, but no matter how much he loved the other boy - but Nico couldn't solve everything just by existing. It was Percy's job to make himself happy, and he knew that when he came down to it he'd have to hold his own hand.

At the same time, all he wanted to be was with Nico. He wanted to go on adventures with the boy, and kiss him underwater and leave hickeys and bite marks all over his body.

He reached for the scissors first, but his hand hovered and then landed on the phone. He picked it up and dialed the only phone number he had memorized other than his mother's and Paul's.


"Nico? Can you come over? I need to talk to you."

"Sure, Perce. What's this about?"

"I just need to see you."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine."

"I'll be there in a minute. I love you." And those three words were what made Percy decide keep his life, at least for one more day.

"Yeah. I love you too." The phone clicked and Nico's voice disappeared from the phone. Percy sat down on the couch and texted his mom that he was having Nico over. She was away for the weekend on a business trip with Paul, which meant Percy was alone with a fridge full of food.

Nico's knock on the door made Percy's heart feel light and fluttery.

"Will you stay with me for the weekend?" Percy asked almost immediately. Nico shrugged his jacket off and looked at him.

"I have to check with dad but yeah, that should be okay."

"Good." And with a devious look in his eye Percy grabbed Nico and kissed him. Nico's body melted and curved into him. Percy hoisted him up and before Nico knew it he was on the floor of Percy's bedroom naked with his face pressed into the crook of Percy's neck. Percy's thumb was rubbing a circle in his back. His legs were tangled with Percy's.



"What's wrong? You're acting impulsive and you were rougher than usual."

He could feel Percy's frown on his neck. "Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

Nico flushed and pulled himself closer to his boyfriend. "No, I liked it, but I can tell when something's going on."

Percy pulled away. "I've just been feeling funny recently. But you're here, so things are okay now." Nico wrinkled his nose and Percy pressed a kiss to it.

"Want to do this again?"

"This?" Nico paused. "Fine, but we're going to talk after." Percy kissed him hard, a long, open mouthed kiss that made Nico feel like even cloud 9 couldn't be better than this.

Percy's hands flipped Nico over and his back arched up. Nico moaned as Percy reattached himself to his neck where there was already a blossoming bruise.

"You know," Nico said as he sat in the kitchen a few hours later, "sex isn't the way to fix things that don't have anything to do with sex. I mean it's great, but I think we should talk. What's up, Percy? You can tell me what's wrong."

Percy tensed over the stove and Nico was scared he had said something wrong. Despite this, he pushed further. "I'm worried about you. I know you've had a hard time recently and I want you to be okay. It's hard to talk about, and I know this seems blunt and horrible, but I've seen a lot of dead bodies from my dad's work, and I don't want to see your face painted on one of them. I love you, Percy. Hell, I'm in love with you, and I care about you. So many other people love you and care about you-"

Percy turned around and this time he didn't even try to hide the tears. Nico put his arms out and came around the counter just in time to catch Percy as he fell onto his shoulder.

"I just don't know how to do it anymore. Everything seems so hard, and college, and extracurriculars, and I love you too, Nico. I love you so much it hurts to be away and I want to be with you constantly but sometimes I can't see why you'd want to be with me. I'm stupid and weird and you're perfect."

Nico froze. "Is that what you think of yourself? That you're stupid and weird?"

Percy opened his mouth and a sob came out. "Y-yes! Of course I do! I have an average of B's and C's and an A in P.E., but what accomplishment is that? You're over here with a straight A average and a 5.0 GPA and you're taking all AP classes. You're funny and beautiful and you have your life together. I'm so dumb..."

"Oh, Percy. You're not dumb. I can help you get your grades up. And you're on the swim team and you volunteer at all sorts of charity events, and you're so much fun and you're funny too. You're gorgeous and I couldn't have anyone better. You shouldn't doubt yourself." Nico's back was aching because Percy's knees had given out ages ago and he was depending on Nico to keep his head from hitting the floor. He slowly lowered both of them down to the floor and pulled Percy closer to him.

"Hey, it's okay to cry. I'm going to be here when you finish crying, and I plan on being here a long time after that. It's okay to be sad and it's okay to show it. Sometimes there are clouds but you have to try and remember that there's a sun behind there somewhere and it will show it's face eventually. You just have to wait it out."

Their kiss was salty and wet and completely perfect. Nico was vaguely reminded of Harry Potter and Cho Chang, but it was a fleeting thought that was pushed out of his head quickly.

"Percy, the food..."

Percy pulled back and laughed as he wiped the tears away. "Nico, you are the biggest killjoy I have ever met. No! I correct myself. Your stomach of steel is the biggest killjoy ever."

Nico laughed too, and he used the counter to pull himself up.

"I'm be back, I'm going to go to the bathroom, and then we can eat dinner, okay?"

Percy shrugged and a shy smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Okay."

It All Happened On a Tuesday Night (Percico Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now