A Note to a Mother

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Every person in this world has a path
Some lead to the edge of a cliff, death dangling in front of your face
Death is deceit, takes control of your body, your feet, your breathing, your heart, your desires, it tells you: There is no way, this pain is yours, if you do not accept, walk off.
Simple isn't it?
To so easily have grasp of death
Along your early desires, strength is there, holding your desired fate of death, in a box, it's up to your strength to keep the box shut.
Can you?
Never have I️ met someone with so much strength, enough to crush your box, over and over again, keep it
You took a path, floated down your own river
How deep is it?
Can you reach your happiness at the bottom, or would you drown?
To me, you are some kind of trickery, allusion
Some mystery to be solved
You wanted a plug to pull, to drain your river, in hopes to reach that happiness chained to the bottom
You filled mine, and it overflowed
It has carried me to a new place
But you have not realized, without water, flowers cannot grow
Enough for a slight drizzle can keep happiness and health
Please sprinkle enough to blossom
You're still a flower in my head
In my vast field of a mind, growing an inch each day
I️ desire not to know if this is true, I️ just wish to find my flower
But still, who couldn't help but have thanks, for even receiving their seed
So thank you, on this day you were born, you received your seed 49 years ago
And now, I️ wait for my years that I've been blessed of life, to grow
So go mother, jump off that cliff, into your lush field of dew dropped flowers, and live

Starlight PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora