Deception is Key

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Thoughts traveling through my head

Currents flowing beneath my tear streaked face

So much sadness is within this happy place

My body floats still above these drenched sheets

With the sound of a drop, it rises ten feet

I am submerged

I am drowning

The angry men raise thier fists and beat them down upon me

Bubbles let up to above, each a cry for help

But down I float out of air, waiting for a mermaid to save me

Lateness of the hour, clicking of the clock

My lungs bestowed of sadness, sweat dripped in from flames

Melting of my wax made heart, one that you have sculpted

All that's left is a restless mind

Bloodied, bruised face

Tomorrow you will see me shine

Through my mask, smiling down on thine

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