A clean slate

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I walk down the tall-ceiling hall, looking at my shoes, occasionally glancing up, out of a shiny, clear window. I don't know what to do. My slate has been wiped clean from everything. I don't wish I could go back, I just want a base. I guess that's why I'm here today.

The sinlge sheet of paper trembles in my hand, the bright white matching the tile floor. "Room 34a" it reads. "2nd block English Tasha, Numi." I stop and lean on the colorful lockers and they suck the warmth from my body. I am so nervous my mouth goes dry and my hands feel clammy. I check the nearest doorway for a near number. 78. Just my luck. So much for making English.

I quickly find myself in an adventure of numbers and hallways, all looking identical in each way. Shuffling along, I check each door, and it becomes agonizingly painful to see so many rejecting numbers. I glance at one door, then another, when I come along 34b, and I get anxious. 'It's got to be along here somewhere,' I think, and then almost run into some woman holding colored water, with green and blue paint here and there on her. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" I say, backing up. She smiles kindly backing up as well as if not to spill her water on me.

"It's okay!" She smiles and twirls around me walking in the girls' bathroom. I can't take my eyes off her. She's so pretty.

I continue around the corner, seeing a doorway ahead, already looking for the name tag on the doorfame. As I approach, I sigh. This is it. Finally.

"Hi! Is there anything I can help you with?" The woman asks walking back towards me, an empty cup in hand and most of the paint washed off.

"I'm a new student, and I uh- I'm Emmy."

The teachers' eyes go a little wide. "Oh!" She exclaims. "I've been expecting you! Please come in, and excuse our mess," She says wisking away to her room. "My name is Mrs. Numi, and I'll give you a brief preview of our rules. And don't be afraid to ask any questions!" Mrs. Numi turns around in the doorway towards me. "And welcome, to my classrom!" She extends her hand and leads me in.

Now I officially know what a rainbow is composed of.

Mrs. Numi's room is like peacock feathers, with a variety of more colors than you could ever imagine. Posters are plastered on the walls like paint, desks painted like an art museum, and the windows have been decorated like an art rooms'. Students my age and older idly chat about the room, carrying art supplies in hand, the rooms' sink going full out, washing out assorted cups and pallets. Some people look up at me as I enter this room. Some with scowls, others still continue their conversations but stare, and only a select few smile. Kind smiles, warming, welcome, happy smiles.

I follow the teacher to her desk, looking down to avoid stares. Mrs. Numi taps on her keyboard and enters me into her classroom file, answering questions to ongoing students whom are oblivious to my appearance. "Okay, you are all settled in. Now, if you don't mind," She says standing up, cutting off the sink. "Alright, everyone settle down and find your seats," Mrs. Numi says. The classroom surprisingly does so with ease, quickly sitting in their appropriate seats, and Mrs. Numi glides to the front of the room, with all eyes on her.

"This is our new student Emmy," she says gesturing towards me. All eyes lock on me and I hide a blush, looking down. "Will you please join me at the front of the room please?" She asks. I nod and move towards her avoiding stares. Mrs. Numi smiles down at me. "We have a game, or trivia thing that we do when new students come along. I'll start off asking one question, then you pick on other students. Nothing innappropriate. Okay? Okay." She rubs her hands together. "What is your favorite hobby?"

I swallow and look into Mrs. Numi's eyes. "I love music and any kind of art. I play many instruments, and study different kinds of art, and make many kinds of art." I look up to find people smiling at me, knowing. Knowing in familiarity. That they too have the same passion as I do.

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