Being alone is Overrated.

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Chapter 2

Miller and I stop to our lockers on our way to my next class. He also helped me find my locker, which is orange, one of the most desired colors. The top three are red, orange, and green. But the best thing is, my locker is right beside Morgan's! I'm really thrilled that I'll get to see him inbetween some classes if we don't have any together. I forgot to ask for his schedule, because our group in Mrs. Numi's class was so immersed in conversation, the bell snuck up on us.

Morgan has a yellow locker that has a mobile in it. Gutsy. I'd be scared that I or someone else would break it, but it's made of metal, and when Miller and I were passing by, he told me he's really careful with or around it. He noticed me looking deeply into his locker, and chuckled.

"I'm really careful with my mobile," He said, serious.

I nod in agreement. "I would be too!" I respond.

I keep walking, but keep eye-contact with Morgan. He salutes me. "Good luck today," Morgan calls out. "And if you see me at lunch and I don't see you first, come and sit with me." I nod in thanks and agreement, but keep moving forward, finally breaking eye-contact with him.

After we left Morgan behind, Miller gave me his phone number to contact him whenever I want. I told him I don't have a cell phone, but I have a house phone. I haven't really had a use for a cell phone since I only had two friends and we all had house phones. Miller responded to that by shaking his head and saying that he was going to have to fix that. I just smiled at him, and kept listening to his explantions and directions that he was informing me on.

While Miller and I were counting the doors, looking for my next class- room 42- Miller gave me a few helpful hints. "Confidence gives you brownie points," he said, nodding. "If you look like you know what you're doing, people believe you're doing the right thing even though you may be screwing it up."

"Hm," I shrug. "Good point."

"And don't be the last one to go into the classroom. Even if you're not late, and the last one, it's just bad juju. It's just a thing. You'll get it eventually," Miller said, smirking. "Alright so besides the social protocols, here the school protocols."

Oh boy. This did not sound delightful. Luckily it was just the school's bell schedule.

However delightful it did not sound, it was very helpful. So now I know how the school day moves. Homeroom, first block, second block, a thirty minute break, third block, then halfway inbetween third block is my lunch, then finally fourth block. Kind of a long day, but it's great we actually have a break here. But it still kinda sucks to have such long classes. Butts can wear out too, you know.

When Miller and I had arrived to the doorway of my classroom, he had already dispersed, and branched out to an opposite than my classroom, so he wouldn't be late and have the bad juju or whatever. Luckily there were some people hurriedly coming towards the classroom so they wouldn't be the last ones, meaning I wouldn't be having bad juju this class. I stepped through the doorway before the boys arrived, and entered with my head high. Cause, you know, confidence and all.

Eventually, the teacher comes in, quieting the calm chaos that lays before him. He scans the room, and when his gaze meets my eyes, his eyebrows raise. "Why hello. And whom might you be?" He asks.

"I- " I start but he interrupts me holding up his hand, and makes an upward motion with it. 'It means stand up, dummy,' I tell myself. Here comes the inner cruelty. I stand, and start over, the room's quiet murmur, halting. "My name is Emmy. Emmy Fremont."

The teacher looks over at me and makes a hmmm noise. "So Emmy, you are now about to learn one cool thing about me," He announces. Did this teacher seriously just say cool? "I love random facts, and ask many questions about them. So, do you know what key most toilets flush in? No one's ever gotten this right, and students never retain the information, so I always ask it."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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