Promises Pt 3.

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———3rd POV———

The events of cotillion happened 3 weeks ago. Ben, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay are standing outside of Auradon Prep waiting on new VKs to arrive. "So who's coming anyway?" Mal asks turning to Ben. "Well there are 5 coming." Evie then asks, "Why isn't the rest of the school here?" "Well one of them... has sensitive ears." Ben answers vaguely.

The limo pulls out and the first one out is Dizzy. She immediately runs up to Evie and gives her a big hug. "Oh my Hades! Dizzy. It's great to see you." Evie exclaims. The next one out is (Y/N). "(Y/N)." Mal breathes out. Soon Gil is bounding out. "Look at all the colors (Y/N)." He says excited. "I know Gil." (Y/N) answers.

Uma steps out next and stands next to (Y/N) her arms crossed. None of the original VKs have moved since Gil came out of the car. The next one out is Harry. His hook is hooked on his jeans. He's holding Hailee, as she's wrapped in a bundle of blankets.

"Is that a baby?" Evie ask walking closer to Harry who was currently next to (Y/N). He visibly tensed when Evie started walking but (Y/N) put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "You guys have a baby?" Carlos asks confused pointing at (Y/N) and Harry. "Yeah, mate." Harry answers.

"Aww. She's so cute. What's her name?" Evie practically squeals standing next to Harry. "Hailee. You can hold her if you want." (Y/N) tells Evie. Evie smiles and takes Hailee from Harry. A promise broke them apart and another brought them together.


Hey, y'all I found this story on Tumblr and asked to share it so no credit from me. This is from They have a bunch of Harry x Reader fics. Go check it out.

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