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Now everyone from each state of Korea is grouped with their own powers, so fire benders will be grouped with fire benders, earth benders with earth, and so on!!!!

The announcers were enthusiastic. I didnt like the thought of regular people announcing because they didnt know what it was like to have powers or how it feels just in general,,,, but theres nothing I can say that would change the system.

I guess I wouldn't be the odd one out.
Although I wore my superhero mask (some people wondered if I was Hope, but there aren't too many people who can identify Hope), many of the other candidates didnt want to be known either.
I even saw one person wearing a brown paper bag.

Normally I would talk to that person, but he was in the fire group while I was in the air group.

the 4 elements: A Junghope StoryWhere stories live. Discover now