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And then there were seven.

It was a bit awkward, especially because I already knew everything about them.

But Jin broke the silence with a question I didnt expect.

"Are you the superhero Hope??? I heard the announcers calling you Hope!!"

I choked on the water that magically appeared in my hand. Sheepishly scratching my cheek, I nodded.

"But I hope that that doesn't change anything! I'm just glad to be surrounded by such amazing people!"
Despite Jungkook being nervous to talk in front of strangers, he could detect the anxiety in my voice so he piped in.

"Yeah! We have to try our best because we represent out country!"

"Umm,,, I know this might be rude to ask and I dont know the reason behind wearing the masks, but if there are no secrets between the seven of us.... we might get along better."
I nodded in agreement until I realized I was one of the people with masks.

Jimin revealed his face, then Yoongi, and then Jungkook. It dawned on me that all of them were too handsome and I would just reveal... me.

Nonetheless I had to take it off.

Jin heard everyone's voices chorus in a 'wow' when they saw Hope's face.

the 4 elements: A Junghope StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin