Extended discription

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So, basically what's happening is that in every universe the Donnie or other version of Donnie knows where three different portal devices are. Now, these portal devices if linked together will become a direct link to a universe of the turtles or persons choice. Every Shredder in every universe wants these devices but he does not know where they are but, like i have just explained, Donnie does. If Shredder ever found out that Donnie knows where the portal devices are he would immdently attack the turtles within the sewers and possibly kill all of them except Donnie. Every Donnie wants to try to make sure that this never happens as he does not want to endanger his family and friends lives. Every Donnie reacts differently to Shredder finding out some leave, some stay and others fake their deaths and then leave, it's all up to what Donnie wants to do. 

I'm going to stop there as you know the basis of what this story is about, now if any of you fabulous people have any title ideas please do not hesitate to comment it down below. Please... help a friend out i have literally no idea what to put there. Oh, and if your wondering why i didn't just put this in the actual discription it's because i'm lazy and couldn't be bothered to put it all in the discription. lol anyway i should be uploading chapter 2 in about half an hour as im about to have fish and chips so sit tight and i hope some of you will read this!

TMNT Punk AU/Normal AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin