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Ghost's POV

My entire body hurts so bad. Dark Donnie tried to help me but The foot bots knocked him out. Let me explain what happened. I woke up after having my arm cut open by Shredder and I was back in the jail cell. Dark Donnie had been released from the wall but he now had a metal collar on his neck which was connected to the wall be a chain. I felt my own neck to find a collar of my own which wasn't connected to anything which was weird. Me and Donnie talked for an hour as he explained everything and how he felt. Then, Shredder came in and proceeded to beat the shell out of me whilst Dark Donnie screamed and struggled against the foot bots. Eventually, Shredder grew tired of him so he ordered the foot bots to knock him out and eventually I passed out not being able to handle the pain anymore.

I'm trying to think of a way out but my thoughts get interrupted as the same portal that brought me here opens outside of our jail cell. Suddenly, all three of my brothers and the four originals all crashed onto the floor. "What the hell?" I whisper as I watch them get up, "We need to find Ghost quickly." Donnie says and everyone nods. Since when do my brothers listen to anyone apart from Swift, "Brothers..." I say weakly not being able to muster the strength to talk any louder. But it's enough to grab their attention as Swift turns round. His eyes open wide as M.C gasps and Rebel lets out a loud growl. "Oh Ghost... What have they done to you..." Donnie whispers sadly as he slips through the bars of the cell. This surprises everyone until they remember how thin we Donnie's are. He kneels beside me, looking directly at my face as he gently puts his hand on of my many bleeding cuts. "I'm fine Don but you guys need to hide. Shredder's coming back..." I say as he nods in understanding. Donnie gets up and manages to unlock the jail cell door. My brothers come rushing over to me as the normal's all enter the cell right as Donnie locks it.

Suddenly, pain grips me as I begin to glitch out. It's like a thousand heated knives stabbing at every part of my body. I curl up into a ball, clutching onto my waist, hardly aware of my brothers calling out my name or Donnie trying his best to get me to uncurl. Finally, the glitch stops. I can finally breath again, I slowly look up to see the concerned faces of both Donnie and Dark Donnie. My brothers were sitting beside me all of them looking really scared whilst the normal's looked on. "I'm fine bro's but you need to hide in the vent's..." I whisper barely loud enough for them to hear but they do. I feel a pair of lips touch my forehead as Rebel gently kisses it, M.C squeezes my right hand and Swift lifts my left hand brining it to his mouth so he can kiss my three knuckles. And without saying a word they open the air vent and crawl into it, with the normal's following close behind but Don hesitates, looking back at me with pain clearly showing in his eyes. I send him a gentle smile and nod at him. He nods back and accepts Swift's hand to help him into the vent. Raph then closes it just as Shredder opens the jail cell door. Without saying a word he grabs my chain and yanks me towards him.

Doonie's POV  

We watch as Ghost gets yanked towards Shredder. Shredder throws Ghost against the nearest wall, I wince as Ghost's head makes contact with the wall. I feel someone hold my hand so I look to my right to see Swift looking at me, his deep blue eyes cloudy with pain and his eyes beginning to tear up. I send him a comforting smile and squeeze his hand attempting to comfort him. Suddenly, Ghost screams out in pain as Shredder stabs him straight through his left shoulder. Twisting it in a way that makes Ghost scream louder and makes me cringe. Finally, after around an hour of torturing Ghost, Shredder finally leaves with his knives tainted with Ghost's blood. I'm the first to jump out of the vent and rush over to Ghost. I gently turn him onto his shell so I can evaluate how badly injured he is. I let out a gasp of shock as I look at him which his brothers hear. Swift rushes over to Ghost and begins to cry seeing how horribly injured his younger brother is. My own brothers come up behind me as I try my best to patch Ghost's more serious injuries as he gently wipes the tears falling from Swift's face. "It's okay. We'll be home soon. Then everything will go back to normal." Swift nods as Rebel helps Ghost up and supports him. "Dark Donnie. I need you to hold onto this portal device so that we can go to your sewer's." I say to him as he takes it from my hand. Swift grabs my hand again as Leo grabs my other hand and soon all of us are connected to each other. Dark Donnie presses the button and suddenly we are in a very familiar looking living room.

Rebel lays Ghost down on one of the sofas as Dark Donnie rushes to find a med kit so that we can patch him up properly. "Donnie. How are we going to go home?" Mickey asks coming up to me with Raph and Leo. "Ghost has a portal back in his universe which is connected to our own universe. So, once we have patched Ghost up we will take them back to their own universe and then return to our own." I explain to them just as Dark Donnie comes back with a med kit. I go up to the punk brothers, "Guys, we need space so that we can patch Ghost up." I say trying to be as respectful as possible. They nod and back up away from their brother allowing me and Dark Donnie to have the space we need to help Ghost. Half an Hour later Ghost is fully patched up and all of us have linked hands again. I smile at Dark Donnie and he smiles back. "Bye Donnie. I hope things get better for you... I'm sorry that you lost your brothers..." Ghost says as all of our brothers look at Dark Donnie with sympathy in their eyes. "Its okay and thank you. Just keep an eye on your brothers, trust me. I know what it's like to watch them die and it's not something that you get over, ever." Dark Donnie says sadness in his eyes as we all nod at him before Ghost pushes the button and our vision goes white.

Right, so this might be the last update today but I might upload one last chapter depends on what my dad wants to do this evening. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I think I'm only doing two more chapters before starting on the follow up story called 'Swift x Donnie' if you guys can think of a ship name that would really help me out. BYE! 


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