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(Y/n) sat in her rolling chair with her feet outstretched onto her desk. She was fiddling with a magic 8 ball she had. The ball usually sat on her desk and was used as a paperweight. However, she had no papers on her desk. She always tried to be quite organized but this week mostly everything was in its place. She asked a question. "Will Agent Hotchner ever smile?" She said, before shaking the ball. "Outlook not so good..." she chuckled softly to herself and relaxed back into the chair letting her eyes move to Spencer as he typed onto his computer quickly.

She had been quite distracted by the man since she got the job but assumed she didn't have a shot with the Pretty boy he was, Her eyes trailed over his hands and the veins running up them and to his forearms. (Y/N) groaned softly and moved to relax once more in her chair before she closed her eyes and her mind began to wonder, She had a sudden picture appear at hearing Spencer huff at what she assumed was his computer and it added to her daydreaming.

Spencer put his hands on her hips and pushed her up against the wall quickly and roughly, he used his forearm to hold her in place as he looked her in the eyes. Spencer had moved closer to her face and let out a slow breath as his eyes traced over her face and lips, Spencer's tongue trace over his bottom teeth before he moved forward letting their noses touch, He eventually moved his arm to the side of her face to pull her close and into a passionate kiss as he other hand trailed up her side.

She felt her chair spin as someone had grabbed her shoulder and jumped in her chair as she was faced with the one and only Spencer "Uh- Hey" she coughed out as Spencer tilted his head at her "I noticed that you had your eyes closed and your face is kinda flushed, are you feeling alright? Do you have a headache or anything?"

(Y/N) nodded quickly and laughed "Yeah- I'm alright" he moved to place a hand on her forehead and use the back of his hand on her cheeks, She sat up in her seat "Spencer, I'm okay really just zoned out I'm kinda out of it since my body is attacking me"
He raised an eyebrow as his paused for a moment and had a moment "Oh- well I know Garcia might have midol if you need anything and I make sure to have supplies with me if you need anything."

She was caught off guard by the suddenness "Wait- how do you know that I'm-" before she could finish he gave her a small smile "I work with quite a few women in the office so I've noticed small things when a women is ovulating and or menstruating" She gave him a small nod as she realized he must have know when she started and laughed "That's really nice of you Spencer." He had a small blush on his face and moved to rub the back of his neck "Oh it's perfectly normal and as a Doctor I can understand most women wouldn't have it if they were given the choice"

Spencer smiled and pointed at her with a teasing tone "If you need anything just let he know Alright?" (Y/N) nodded with a small sheepish smile as her eyes traced over his hand and looked away quickly, Spencer raised an eyebrow but decidedly left her be for the time being and went to go find Garcia.

(Y/N) sighed and bit her bottom lip roughly as she played with her fingers before she sat up and let out a breath as she moved her hand to rub throughout hair but he stopped and lightly pulled at the roots to distract herself "shit-"

Spencer had learned quite quickly about the female body while working at the BAU since he worked with 3- well technically since you had joined it would be 4 women, it helped with cases when he would easily explain things that seemed to be uncomfortable with the other men when they went to work on different cases.

It had been a few weeks since that interaction as everyone was debriefing over a case and closing up for the day to get the loose ends put up, (Y/N) was in and out of conversation as she had fallen into a daze and let her gaze land on Spencer and began to daydream

Spencer moved his hands to her hips and ran them up and down her sides as he turned his head to kiss down her neck softly

She closed her eyes and leaned back into Spencer's body before quickly turning to face him as she look up at him smiling, She put a hand on the side of his face and moved up on your tip toes pulling him down by his tie and into a kiss and put her hand on his hip softly.

Spencer deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around her before he picked her up and sat her on the counter to be eye level with him, She wrapped her legs around Spencers middle as he moved his hips into hers softly and grunted into the kiss as he moved a hand in her mid back and up to hold the back of her neck in his hand and pulled away from the kiss leaning his forehead against yours

Spencer moved his other hand to her jeans and looked at her, she gave him a light nod as he moved his body closer to hers "What was that?" He questioned and slowly began to unbuttoned her jeans, she gasped softly and stuttered out a "Y-yes"

Spencer nodded and carefully put an arm under her and slowly pulled her jeans down and put a hand on her thighs, softly tracing his cold fingers against her warm skin and moved towards closer to her sex slowly, He moved slowly with a ghostly touch above the waistband of her underwear moving slowly as he pulled them forward and brought his hand down as he started to slowly rub against her clit with his thumb as he brought another finger slowly entering it inside of her and watching her face

(Y/N) gasped softly and closed her eyes as her mouth hung open and let out a shaky breath moving her body closer to him shifting on his touch and moving to hide her face in the crook of his neck putting her hands on his shoulders, Spencer felt her move herself closer to him and he smiled "That feel good?" He asked quietly as he kissed at her neck and bit down on her bottom lip to distract herself, He inserted another finger and slowly began to pump his fingers in and out

She felt her body jolt and whine softly as he continued to rub his thumb against her clit painfully slow leaving her a panting mess under his touch, Spencer smirked and gently bit her earlobe and tugged on it and moved her head to have you look him in the eyes, Her eyes were closed tightly and he stopped all movements making her whine out a "No-" He chuckled "Look at me" she didn't listen at first from embarrassment and he slowly started to move his fingers out, her eyes snapped open and you looked at him

(Y/N) heard the phrase was repeated as she opened her eyes to see Spencer with concern clear on his face, He had moved to sit in a chair next to her as the others had left the room.

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