Good boy

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(Y/N) smiled, lazily wrapping one of her arms around his waist as she turned, her head still on his thigh but her face now turned to his stomach

He hummed before he sucked in a breath at her turning into his stomach "Yikes"
"Yikes what?" She said, quickly moving, worried she had made him uncomfortable

"Hey hey hey" he looked at her "It's okay, I just wasn't prepared is all. Warm breath on my stomach it's a weird feeling is all"

(Y/n) nodded, although she was worried she had made it weird, so she didn't lay back down. She settled instead to just rest her head on his shoulder

Spencer looked at her "(Y/n).. you can lay back down." He looked at his lap as he realized he must have made her think he was uncomfortable

(Y/N) lifted her head to look at him. "Are you sure?" She asked. "If that was weird it's ok."

"No it really wasn't, I didn't know what to do in that moment and it was the first word to my mind, I'm one hundred percent comfortable with cuddling you"

(Y/n) nodded, a little smile coming to her face as she laid back down, her arm sliding around his waist again.
He moved a hand to her hair once again and played with it, he smiled down at her

(Y/n) hummed contentedly, happy to just be close to him. He leaned back before he decided that he was gonna lay down next to her, he carefully moved so he was next to her side and looked at her face with a bright smile

(Y/n) smiled, leaning over to press a chaste kiss on his lips

He leaned forward kissing her back with a smile on his lips, (Y/n) smiled, her free hand coming to trace patterns on the side of his cheek, down to his neck, across his shoulder.
He had shivers rush over him but he leaned into her touch nonetheless, (Y/n) smiled, tracing patterns across his upper arm, admiring him as she did.

Her hand trailed to his side, rubbing soothing patterns on his waist, He closed his eyes humming at the touch from her

(Y/n) smiled, running her hand over his waist gently. She loved any time that she could just lay with him and touch him like this- he was always out putting himself in danger, so any time when she was with him and she knew he was safe, she was happy

He moved his body closer to hers with shy smile, he laid his head on her shoulder and kissed her cheek softly. She smiled happily, her arms coming to wrap around his back and hold him close to her

He chuckled and moved to hide his face in the crook of her neck, (Y/n's) hand went to his hair, combing through it softly and gently tugging her fingers through it at the roots

Spencer let out a breathy moan as he froze in place, his entire face went beet root red and felt the warmth spread to his ears. He tried to find a way to explain himself

(Y/n's) eyes widened when she heard the noise, pulling back and looking at him, keeping her hand rooted in his hair. "Now what was that?" She asked, her tone teasing

He moved his hands to cover his face "N-nothing." He spoke quickly as his voice cracked, "Nothing?" (Y/n) asked. "Ok," she shrugged, waiting a second before tugging again, this time with a little more force.

He let out a whine noise before he moved a hand to cover his mouth and his face went even darker shade of red if possible

She smirked, tugging again, this time moving his head so she had access to his neck. She moved close to him, her warm breath fanning across his neck and her lips ghosting on his skin. "Is it really nothing, Spence? If I didn't know any better I'd say you like it when I pull your hair." She continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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