My ITunes

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Hehehe, I love my C

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Hehehe, I love my C.D.s still have all of them today in my trusty old Wallet which is literally falling apart..

I love C.D.s as you can create a hardcopy personal playlist to go from. I know everyone says Mp3 has killed the C.D but I will always love them.

I have my Uncle's Original Pink Floyd Album and I never listen to them as distressingly true as it is C.Ds do degrade over time and do have a lifespan..

Everyone laughs at me know as I still buy discs...

When I was about 13 I had a library of music I had built up for about a year on ITunes on the family P.c.
Sadly I came home on day and my father had deleted my collection as he thought there was a virus. I was devastated.

I did manage to back some of it up to a C.D luckily so I did have a fall back (still own to this day but it's scratched to fuck and jumps on all the best songs....its got 1082 songs on)

Since then I have been ever so distrustful of the digital format...I do own countless amount of USB sticks. Again I have atleast five on the go with my collection on..just to be better safe than sorry.

Yet I still have my CD collection too. Over the years it's built and built resulting in a massive collection of albums from all parts of my existence.

I wouldn't change it or get rid of it for the world. Music is part of who you are and what you stand for..its not just a personal is a way of life for me. Music has and will keep me going when shit gets dark. As it probably does for you Beautiful Hoomans too! ❤

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