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Author's Note: This story was written for BlaMasu Week 2019. The prompts used were 'Tea', 'Blood', and 'Rainy Day'.

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It was raining. Rainy weather wasn't something they'd had in the Realm of the Kais, so it was always a treat. The way the rain pounded against the roof of their cabin and ran down the glass of the windows was mesmerizing in a way. They always woke up later than intended, too. The dim lighting caused by the cloud-cover paired with the steady rhythm of the rain made for better, longer sleep. Still, they did manage to drag themselves out of bed for a late breakfast, more like lunch, knowing full-well they likely wouldn't venture outside today.

"I wish it would stop already." Black was less than thrilled with the weather. He'd much rather be out than sitting on the couch all day. He wanted to go out and destroy more of the humans on this planet. He wanted to hear their screams, hear them beg for mercy, watch the life drain from their eyes as he cut them down . . . but the rain was heavy and relentless and he wasn't too keen on getting soaked to the bone. Besides . . . the blood would all just wash away in an instant. Where was the fun in that?

"I rather like the rain." Zamasu returned to the couch with the tea kettle, two saucers, and two cups in hand. He'd prepared some after-meal tea. "Rain drowns out all other noise. Isn't that beautiful? It's like nature is speaking to us and wants to make certain we hear it. Perhaps it is trying to thank us for ridding it of this plague called humanity."

"I could get rid of it faster if it would stop raining." Black huffed as he watched Zamasu place the tea on the table in front of the couch. "Here, let me get it." Black lifted the kettle and filled each cup before setting it back down again. He placed one cup in front of Zamasu and the other in front of himself. Usually they only drank at the table in the kitchen or out on the deck (when the weather was nice), but every now and then they enjoyed it on the couch where it was more comfortable.

"You should accept the break." Zamasu sat beside his counterpart and brought the cup to his lips for a quick sip. He lowered the cup and saucer to his lap. "Days like today . . . this is how it will be once mortal life has been wiped out."

". . . I suppose so." They'd finally have the universes to themselves. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud, he was a bit unhappy with the idea of no one to fight anymore. This body craved battle and blood more than anything. How could he satiate such desires with no humans left to kill? Black sipped at his own cup, staring down into the tea for a moment before he set it back on the table. "Don't you hate it?"

"The tea? Is something wrong with it? I thought it tasted f-"

"No, I mean . . . don't you hate making it? We had to make it over and over for that ignorant god Gowasu. You still make it, even though no one is forcing you to." Not that he was complaining. He really did love a good cup of tea and only his future self could make it just as he liked it.

"I don't mind since it is for you and I. Making tea for Gowasu for centuries on end would have been torture. Who knows how much longer he'd have lived if you hadn't come along." He had been shocked and upset when he'd first seen Gowasu's lifeless body with this stranger standing over him, but once the realization hit that was he was finally free, he couldn't bring himself to feel even the smallest hint of sympathy for the fallen Kaioshin. "I will gladly make tea for you and I until the end of time." He took another drink, this time with a small, content smile on his lips.

"Or until we run out of tea leaves. There will be no more beings to grow them and harvest them." Black frowned at the thought. "Food will also become scarce. That may not be such an issue for an immortal god, but for me who is in a mortal body, it is quite a problem."

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