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THEME:Little by little

MEMORY VERSE:Deuteronomy 7 vs 22

Note; The renewing of the mind will take place in your life little by little, so don't be discouraged if progress seems slow.

In the verse above, the word "beast" means "pride" that will soon consume us if we receive too much freedom too quickly. Freedom is truly a gift from God not something we can make happen in our own strength.


TEXT: 1 Peter 5 vs 10

Why do  we need to suffer 'a little while'?  Before we let Christ delivers us, we endure a type of suffering but when freedom comes, we rejoice more. When we try to do something on our own, we fail and then realize that we must wait on Him, our hearts overflow with thanksgiving and praise as He rises up and does what we cannot do ourselves.


TEXT: Romans 8 vs 1

Don't receive condemnation when you have set backs or bad days. Just get back up,  dust  yourself and start again.

The devil  will try his hardest to stop you in this area of renewing your mind. He  knows his control of you and your life  is finished  once you learn to choose right thoughts and reject the wrong ones. He will attempt to stop you through discouragement and condemnation.

When condemnation comes, use your  word weapon to remind yourself and Stan that you do not walk after the flesh but after the spirit. Walking after flesh is depending on yourself; walking after the spirit is depending on God.

When you fail, it doesn't mean you're a failure, it simply means you don't do everything right. We need to know that although we have strengths but we also have weaknesses. Just let Christ be strong on your weaknesses; let Him be your strength on your weak days.

I repeat; Don't receive condemnation because our victory will come but it will come "little by little".    


TEXT: Psalms 42 vs 5

Discouragement destroys hope, so naturally the devil always tries  to discourage us. Without hope we give up, which is exactly what the devil wants us to do. God knew that if we get discourage, we won't come through to victory, that is why He encourage us not to be discouraged.

When discouragement or condemnation tries to overtake you, examine your thought life. What kind of thoughts have you been thinking? If you think discouraging thoughts, you will get discouraged life. If you think condemnating thought; you will come under condemnation.

Change your thinking and be set free.

We like everything instantaneous. We have the fruits of patience inside but it is being worked to the outside. If Satan can have patience to take his time to watch his plan come to fulfilment, what about you? Sometimes God takes His time about bringing us our full deliverance. He uses the difficult period of waiting to stretch our faith and to let patience have her perfect work(James 1 vs 4). God's timing is perfect. He is never late.

The Lord is working in you no matter what. He has begun His work in you and He won't rest until His work in you is complete(Philippians 2 vs 13;1 vs 6).

Don't just think right thoughts but go extra mile to speak them aloud as your confession.

Remember no condemnation in Christ. God is delivering you little  by little, so don't get discouraged along the way and don't condemn yourself if you make a mistake.

Learn to be patient with yourself!

Quote of the day;" the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"

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