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It was a normal day, the girls went out to their favourite cafe to hang and talk about boys they saw earlier, and gawk over boys sitting at the tables.

"Yo imma go to the toilet real quick" Y/N told the rest of them. As she was walking to the toilets she bumped into a really tall man. He turned around and looked down on her before smiling slightly.

"You ok?" He asked
"Yeah I'm fine" she said, looking at the ground avoiding his somewhat intimidating stare. "You look like you need cheering up, me and my friends are hosting a masquerade ball, you can bring your friends if you'd like" he asked gesturing to the girls, who were curiously looking over at the two.

Without another word he handed Y/N a piece of paper with their address. The mysterious man then walked off out of the cafe, waving.

"Who the FUCK was he" Molly exclaimed. "He was hot daaaamn" Harper commented.

Olivia, who had her headphones in slipped them out and gave the others a weird look. "You're all pigs to be honest" she chuckled.

"Alright, I'll get going now" Aria sighed. "Wait for us! You can't go out alone remember" Grace remarked.

Nobody on this street really went out alone anymore, there was a murderer who grabbed girls who were walking home, you'd find severed limbs lying around. It was truly disgusting.

The six of them walked home, still talking about the mystery man Y/N was talking to. Arias jaws hung wide open as Y/N produced the piece of paper reading...

•my address is 93 acre lane. Hope you can come tonight•

"Omg" she started "isn't that the mansion round the corner from Molly's?" Aria asked
"Shit" Y/N exclaimed. "Guess we're going to a mansion!"

{what do you think of the story so far?}

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