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The day dawned rainy and the rain remained throughout the afternoon and early evening apparently would not end so soon. Penelope Fawley had already said five times – since Diana began to count - that the climate made everything depressing.

The Fawley mansion it was huge and old, the decor was medieval and extremely dark. In the walls were frames of every member of Fawley family since the construction of the mansion, above the pictures was the Slytherin coat of arms, the Hogwarts house of all Fawley's.

When Diana was younger used to stare the coat of arms, she always have afraid of break the lineage, be the deception of the family, don't belong to the house of all your family always belonged. But when Diana put the sorting hat in her first year, there's no doubt, Diana was a Slytherin girl, a proud Slytherin girl.

Time has passing and now Diana already know Hogwarts very well. The classes would start in the next day and the witch ran from side to side of her room, taking all books, clothes and another objects that she will put in her trunk.

— You were very well in N.O.M's of the last year but this don't mean that I will not charge you this year. – Penelope's voice echoed through the room. The woman was at end of the hall but her voice could be heard from every corner of the house, Diana was already used to the scandals of her mother. – Honor your last name, prove that you deserve this.

— When I don't honor? This is what I fight to do since the day I was born. – Answered Diana while closing his trunk.

— In just reinforcing, we, Fawley's, never content with a little, we will always ask for more. – Said Penelope that was now leaning in the door on the room of her daughter.

— I will do this. – Nodded, knew this speech and didn't want to hear this again.

— Keep it up my dear, maybe when the Lord Of Shadow return, he has a mission for you! – Exclaimed Penelope, the possibility to see Diana like a Death Eater always make the woman excited.

"If he comes back" Diana thought, didn't dare say it out loud, her mother would freak out. The woman was completely convinced that he would return and that she would have a mission for the Fawley. Penelope and Garett deeply regretted not having stood firm as Death Eaters, not going to Azkaban, being weak, Diana knew they felt an absurd need to make up for it.

— Didn't you see him? – Asked Penelope. – Didn't you see him in any of the visions?

— No, none of them.

— But it is not possible! – Exclaimed irritating. – You have only useless visions, try harder.

"Its not something I can control, I don't see what I want" Diana thought, and again didn't contest her mother, knowing the worst thing she could do was to challenge her.

— I'll try harder. – Said.

— It's good you do it, you have to enjoy it honey, not everyone has the amazing gift you have. – Said Penelope.

Gift. It might be a gift, but Diana didn't think her visions were good, she actually hated them, they were the burden she was meant to carry. It was so annoying!

Visions came out of nowhere, at any moment, back and forth. In her visions she saw a scene but did not know when this scene would happen or why it would, only watch her, often seeing people she didn't even know.

Much to her parents' unhappiness, Diana had never said a prophecy, only had her little visions of the future. She considered it useless, a power she couldn't control, and Diana loved to control things and couldn't have control of it, drove her out of her mind.

— I have not had any vision since February. – Said and the mother sighed.

— I hope that changes!

After the exclamation, Penelope left the room.

Diana set her trunk down and went to the desk where she got the latest edition of the Daily Prophet, there was a huge story about Harry Potter. The witch rolled her eyes, had seen Harry Potter several times at Hogwarts, but she always think there was nothing special about him, he was as ridiculous as any Gryffindor member, he was a half-breed, and her friends are the mudblood Granger and the blood traitor Weasley. Pathetic, she found him pathetic.

Diana was a pureblood, coming from a clean bloodline, very proud of it, and made no attempt to hide her prejudice against mudbloods, muggles and all peoples that are non pure blood. It was the way she was created, it was what she believed.

Before she could throw the Daily Prophet in the trash, her vision blurred, she knew what would happen next and hated it. Now she was facing another scene, watching her like a viewer.

He recognized the place as the Hogwarts Express, the place was packed, loud voices, laughter, several students. Between them she recognized Fred and George Weasley, the twins who caused mess and disorder wherever they passed. Diana considered them stupid, annoying, and childish, who, on the other hand, were traitors to blood.

Beside the twins was another boy who always walked with them but Diana never bothered to memorize the name. The three talk excitedly about something.

It's a prototype yet. One of the redheads, Diana couldn't tell them apart, he said. – This candy here we call "Undead", it stops the person breathing for two minutes and the beats too but as soon as the effect passes, everything goes back to normal.

And does it work? The boy asked, Diana call her "support actor" That would make some great pranks.

Does it work Fred? The redhead, which must have been George, asked smiling at his brother.

Of course it works George.

Then Fred Weasley ate the candy, in a matter of seconds he wasn't breathing. George and the other boy celebrated their success ahead of time.

Panic broke out when after two minutes, Fred was still out.

Diana found herself in her room again, her first sight in months only confirming what she already knew: Fred and George Weasley are the biggest idiots in the wizard world.

It took a few moments for her chart to fall, the candy would kill Fred, it would be the dumbest death she'd ever seen but he would be dead, d e a d, all the letters, no turns.

A chill ran down his spine, he was his age, he was too young and would die of a silly joke. "Don't mess Diana, he asked for it" a voice in his subconscious said.

She saw the Hogwarts Express, that would happen tomorrow. She bit her lip trying to contain her surprise, when that happened and everyone was shocked, she would already know, nor would she be surprised.

"Just get that out of his hand" she thought, but quickly pushed the thoughts from her head, why were she so worried about that? She knew exactly what her mother would say about that "One less blood traitor in the world, that's great news."

Diana tried not to think about it, ignore all her thoughts, had dinner, spent time with Zappi, the Fawley house elf, Diana liked her, despite her parents' clear contempt for the elf. Her mother always shredded her when she treated the elf well, so Diana only spoke to her away from her mother, clearly felt superior but Zappi had taken care of Diana since she was a child, so the girl was attached.

That night she could barely sleep, she thought about Fred, how bad it was to die for such a bullshit. "Take the candy, just take the candy," he kept thinking. It was then that Diana decided that bank Fred's nanny, just that day, would simply find a way to prevent him from eating that, because it considered an unfair death.

"I'll help you once, just once and that's enough" she thought, but something inside said that maybe this wasn't the last time.

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