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01. Fred Weasley is an idiot.

King's Cross station was always noisy, but on September 1 it became even more crowded. People talking loudly, the possibility of being dragged by the crowd was high.

On platform 9, Hogwarts students said goodbye to their parents before they had to enter the Hogwarts Express that would take them straight to school. Diana found it easy to differentiate between first graders and seniors, not only because they were so much smaller – she would say tiny – but because her nervousness and excitement were evident.

In the crowd Diana searched for her friends, especially Eadlyn, but it was hard to locate anyone with all those crowded people. If it was almost impossible to find Eadlyn, with the Weasley family the opposite happened, her flashy hair stood out in the crowd, and all Weasleys boys were extremely tall.

Diana tried to look away but couldn't, was too busy staring at the twins. They were laughing excitedly, beyond the typical expression of who was going to point, Fawley could never distinguish between the two but that day she could tell who was George and who was Fred differentiated them by their robes, the same robes as the vision he had last afternoon.

Her stomach tightened, they didn't even know what was going to happen. "Don't think about it, don't think about it" she repeated to herself, "You don't even know them, it's not your obligation to help, it's not your fault."

— Di! – Eadlyn Avery's voice drove Diana back to reality. – We're almost done, just another year.

— Eady. – Diana smiled. – The school year has barely begun and you are already thinking about its end?

— As soon as I saw a handful of Gryffindor students, I began to wonder how good it would be to be away from them. – Eadlyn shrugged. – One more reason I can't wait to finish Hogwarts.

— Complaining about the very illustrious Hogwarts? You are a monster! – Exclaimed Diana, her voice heavy with irony.

What cheers me up is knowing that the people at Durmstrang will be there, they'll be impressed with me and offer me a place." Said Eadlyn.

Diana raised her eyebrows, Durmstrang students at Hogwarts? There was no time to question, after all Eadlyn was talking again.

— Ah, I guess you haven't met Draco yet. – She shrugged. – His father has made several visits to the Ministry and told him we will have a Triwizard tournament at Hogwarts.

— Anything interesting at Hogwarts? – Asked looking interested. – Finally. How will it be?

— I don't know, I met Draco a little while ago and he said that, I think he'll explain everything in the wagon. – Eadlyn said. – By the way, we need to get good seats.

— Do you even know what a Triwizard Tournament is? Because I do not know.

— Me neither. – He shrugged. – I just know there will be three schools, ours, Durmstrang and I don't know which one will be, but it will be interesting, I know it will.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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