Short Storytime w/ Mikey

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I'm sorry I've been gone for so long I've just been working on some things with the story and a new Christmas thing.

Next chapter of Matches and Gasoline should be posted at midnight!!!

But enjoy this quick snippet with the youngest boi 🧡 2008 version.

WARNING: extreme themes, and mentions of suicide.


"Um... M-mikey?" You whispered nervously as you slowly walked around the abandoned aquatic center. It was an old shut down pool in Central Park. Teenagers usually used the empty pool as a bowl to skate in and it was a casual hangout area.

You were meeting a friend there, he was kind of a skateboarder, and since it was particularly late, he could come around. He wasn't exactly a typical guy who could stroll around the area.

"Come on Mikey, I'm freaking out here, it's kind of creepy in this place by myself," you called out. Even with the park lights on a few meters away, it was still pretty dark, and it didn't help you were alone. You hugged yourself, gripping your fleece sweater, it was a cold autumn evening. The breeze blowing through the empty water slide let out an eerie howl that made you freeze in your tracks. "Ight, imma head out," you said to to yourself, ready to leave now.

But as you started to walk away you heard a whoop, a familiar 'Cowabunga', and tracks of a skate board grinding behind you. You grinned to yourself as you whipped around to see the outling of your favorite orange-masked turtle. He grinded down the outside of the red twisty slide, dove into the bowl, and flew out. He rode past you, before circling back and skidding to a stop beside you. A giggle bubbled in your throat and you threw your arms around him.

"Whoa dudette, happy to see you too," he laughed, hugging you back before putting his board on his back.

"That was so cool! Man I wish I could skate like you," you exclaimed, excited to see him.

"Well not everyone grows up in a sewer pipe line sugar boo," he bragged, and you playfully punch his arm.

You met this goof ball about a month ago in the most bizarre way possible, but you were happy you did. He was a caring and funny guy. You were glad he became your friend, and you were just as grateful, because this special turtle well... he saved your life.


1 month earlier

It was a cool autumn evening. You sat high a top of an apartment building. It was a good 4 or 5 stories tall so it gave a great layout of the city. Everything was lit up, and it was beautiful. Something that also caught your eye was the skeleton of a skyscraper. They were just finishing the repairs on it, the news had said some pyromaniacs had gone too far and blown half of it away.

Maybe you should've gone there, it was twice as big as the building you were on. It might've been less painful... Well it didn't matter this lil' skyscraper would do the job.

The divorce was finalized about a week ago. For some reason you thought that it would make things better for your parents. But it didn't, your mom had already been ignoring you for months, and your dad was barely there, you couldn't tell if he was trying or faking each time you visited him.

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