The Tattoo Artist.....An Ashley Purdy love story

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I do not own Black Veil Brides...but everything else is


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...I AM JESUS...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH...I AM HERE...AHHHHH!!" That was my best friend Jordyn. If you can't tell she absolutely loves Black Veil Brides. I personally like them allot...carrots. TeHe. I have a random mind. In case you are wondering Jordyn and I are currently on our way to the gas station to get some monster and some chips. Monster is AWESOME...awesome *whisper*. Lol, did I just say lol in my head. Haha I think I did. "Hey so do want Pringals, Doritos, or the fucking awesome doughnuts?"

"All three, duhhhhh." I just look at her like she was crazy of course we should get all three. Still looking at her like she is crazy, witch she is, I grabbed a case of ten green monsters. Tehe green, that reminds me of trees... I wanna go to the park. Yes the PARK. "Jordyn we should go to the park. Yes the park, I wanna go to the park."

"Not now, remember we gots to be home because Emily is bringing the dogs over remember, she is going to London tonight. So no...but we can go to the park tomorrow okay." I just nodded. Oh I guess I forgot to tell you. Me and Jordyn moved to Cincinnati Ohio about six months ago after graduation. It was cheaper to live together so my best friend is my roommate. Haha roommate. Ya we moved to start a band but we umm have not been successful soooooooo. UNICORNS......HA HA we are home, lol.

Walking into the kitchen to put away the monster Jordyn went to on the music. Black Veil Brides 'We Stitch These Wounds' came on we started singing at the top of our longs. You see I sing and play guitar where as Jordyn screams and plays drums. So ya all we are missing is a bass player but whatever. Handing Jordyn her monster the song changed to Carolyn. Both of us getting tears in our eyes we here the door bell ring. Yes the door is a button. I like buttons. Do you like buttons? Of course you like buttons, who doesn't like button's. Oh ya the door bell rang. "Come in!" I yelled to the door. It is probably just Emily. Hearing the door open I just continued to sing for the song changed again to saviour. I was singing with my eyes closed knowing that Jordyn will greet whoever is at the door. whatever.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A deep voice screamed along with the song. Not really paying attention I continue singing. Lost in thought for this song saved both me and Jordyn's lives....Wait a deep voice? I open my eyes only to see the Andrew Dennis Beirsack standing right infront of me. Guess it wasn't Emily at the door. Turning down the music...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Jordyn just intered the room and dropped her monster all over the floor, making CC yell and sink to his knees in fake sorrow. Looking up, because I fell on the floor in a laughing fit, they where all staring at me with shocked faces...except for Jordyn of course. She is used to my laughing fits.

"Okay ummmmm..." That was Andy. You can tell he is feeling acuward by the look on his face. Holding back my laughter I make a motion for him to continue." you siad to come in...and....."

"Our bus broke down around the corner and your guises house was the closest, do you mind if we use your phone to call a mechanic." Jinxx just finished for Andy.

"Well your in luck. Pain hear is a master at machanics."

"Ya...let me go grab my tools. Hehe tools....park...I wanna go to the park."

"Dammit Pain I told you we can go to the park tomorrow. Now go get your tools so you can fix the nice bands bus okay." Jordyn is talking to me like I am three. I guess I am cindove three but really I am nineteen. HA ha....nineteen rainbows in the sky. Oh ya bus, needs fixing, must fix. Concentrate.

"Fuck you stop talking to me like I am three, I know that I have to fix there bus. But dammit I want to go to the park and play on the swings. But whatever you say 'my lady'." taking a bow then leaving the shocked and slightly amused band in my living room to go get my tool box from the garage. Finding it I am currently running into the living room. Now you may be wondering why we arn't freaking out on them, well if you hadn't noticed I don't freak. I am just ninja that way. Yep ninja.

The Tattoo Artist.....An Ashley Purdy love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora