Chapter 3

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The breeze was slightly harsher than earlier in the day, causing it to get colder. Dalton had bought some vodka for us to share except I drank very little, wanting to make sure everyone was okay. Ben and Will also decided to not partake in the drinking and helped to keep everyone safe and stop then doing anything stupid. Dalton and Leo had been the worst, getting extremely hyper. Fae had left when we went to buy it because her mum had called, needing her home urgently. One of the best drunken arguments the two had was over a pringles can, which of course I could barely understand. By now though, the alcohol had mostly left their system and things had calmed a bit. Stood by the water I thought about how Leo had gotten really soft and just grabbed my hand because he was starting to become a sad drunk. It had felt strange, almost foreign but at the same time it also felt so familiar and like home. It was a feeling I wasn't used to and I didn't completely understand. I snapped out of it and turned back to face the others, Leo collecting stones he wanted to 'skip. I use it in a very light sense of the word because as time got on, skipping had become throwing widely. It did make a cool pattern and sound on the water though. The other three had formed a little huddle line that looked quite cosy but Dalton was still shivering. I looked down at my phone and noticed the time, "Guys I'm gonna have to head off, mum's gonna need me back home to help out and it's getting late".

Suddenly I felt arms clamped around my leg, looking down I saw Ben looking back up at me, "please don't go. We love you and if you leave I'm going to suffer serious abandonment issues". I rolled my eyes shook him off my leg. He stood up and gave me a tight long hug, followed by Dalton and Will together making me feel like a penguin standing in a group to keep warm. Last of all was Leo, he yanked me into a hug and for a second I stiffened but quickly eased into it and wrapped my arms around him.

I walked up to the path and noticed the others behind me, "You guys know you don't have to leave too right?". They all nodded.

"We know, it's bloody freezing though and I'm hungry" Dalton said, rubbing his stomach. We carried on down the path and Ben gave me another big hug before they walked down a different path home. Today was fun and we'd planned to do it again in two days. Although things still felt slightly different and I don't know why.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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