I need a hero(Jackieboi x reader)

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I Ran through the streets of Brighton
Hearing the many footsteps in follow of mine.
I had to keep running.
If i stopped, who knows what happen

Jackies pov

I sat atop of a high apartment building watching over the city i keep safe.
I let my mega hearing intensify to see if anyone was in need.

Cars. No
Police at the begal place. No

Footsteps...hurried breathing.
And footsteps in toll.
The ruff grunts and comments following the figure filled me.

This was a job for Jackieboiman.

I got up andjumps onto doffre t rooftops following the patter of the footsteps .

Finnaly i was right above.
An allyway..in the better part of town??

I looked down seeing...a beautifull girl full speed running her (long/shoulder length/ short) Hair flowing(if ur hairs rlly short fear not u have a flowing jacket)

I ran across rooftops finding out who was following her.
I saw them

The black dog bandits. Id been trying to capture them all for weeks. Why were they following her. What did she know...

I quicklsy junped down behind her and kicked down of the Bandits sending him flying inot a wall

I glanced seeing her stop, then continued fighting these bandits.

(Back to you now)

I stopped and turned seeing the citys famous hero fighting off these bandits.
I was to rushed to not see the one creeping up behind me.
I felt a sharp pain knick my side as i turned full on swing kicking this guy to the ground.

Another black dog bandit.

I saw jackie fight down the last one and rush over seeing some blood from my cut his face grew worried
"Are you alright lass?!"his voice had worry in it.
I nodded"Yes its just asmallcut. Thank you, i cpuldnt have kept running"

He smiled"Its my job lass. Why were they running after you?"
I just laughed.
"I know the identity of Brighto s favroit hero..they wanted intell i didnt give it over"
I saw his face grow weary.
"You know my identity??"he asked obviusly in fear id show to the public.

I nodded"Of course Jackie. Your my neighbor i hear you crawl the the window plus a week back you accidently left your spare mask at my window. But dont worry , i wouldnt tell a soul about ya"

He seemed relieved but stuck up more."someone needs help"

He went to run off but i grabbed his hand turning him.
"Good luck" i lisses his cheek and let go fo his hand.

He blushed and winked. Running off

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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