Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

I was at my desk sorting out some paperwork when I heard a soft knock.

"Come on in" I sigh out not really wanting to be bothered at the moment. The door opens and Tommy walks in with coffee in hand and the same big smile he has on his face.

"Hey babe!" he kisses my temple and hands me the coffee. I smile and thank him with a soft kiss on the lips.

"What brings you here Tom?" I let out my tone kind of annoyed. I'm so busy at the moment I don't have time to chit chat with anyone.

"Just wanted to come and make sure you are taking a break." He places his hands on my shoulders and starts to rub slowly. "Lisa tells me how stressed you are late and I just wanted you at least get one break in and not worry about anything."

I can't help but smile wide at his concern for me as I take a big sip from my coffee. I love me a good White Chocolate Mocha hot or cold you name it I love it more then I love anything in the world and yes Tommy would be under that category. As he keeps giving me a neck massage I feel myself starting to relax.

"Thank you for the coffee." Is all I managed to let out. His response was a low hum as he brought down his lips to my neck and left soft sweet kisses. I close my eyes and relax even more but then a thought came into my head.

"Hey, Tommy can I ask you a question?" He stops and comes to sit in front of my desk.

"Of course you can is everything okay?" He looks at me concerned and I nod smiling.

"Yes I'm okay, I just wanted to know what you did as a job you never really told me what you do." His one look of concerned turn into a serious one but he quickly covered it with a smile.

"Why are you curious all of a sudden?" He laughs out.

I just shrug "We've known each other for a while and we have been dating for a few years now I just thought you would have told me by now." I gave him a stern look really hoping he would tell me since I am very curious as to why he never told me.

"I never told you because you never asked." he leaned back in the chair he is in and I know full well he trying to avoid answering my question but why. I'm his boyfriend we should tell each other everything.

"Well, that's why I'm asking now!" I let it out in my most cheerful tone and with a sweet smile. "What do you do for a job?"

Before he could say anything his phone dings. He gives me an 'im sorry' look and takes out his phone to look at it. He reads over the text he got taking a bit sigh. He gets up from his chair and smiles and me sadly.

"I have to go."

"Where are you going" I blurt out quickly getting up and walking over to him.

"I have a meeting to attend and I'm wanted there as soon as possible." He kisses my forehead and holds my hands.

"But you haven't answered my question yet. Can you at least answer it before you go."

"Alex I don't have time I really have to go" He pulls away but I pull him back looking up at him hurt.

"It will just take a few sec-"

"Alex that's enough!" he cuts me off by yelling at me. He has never raised his voice at me once. I look away from him and let go of his hands. I was in utter shock. 

"I'm sorry" I mumble out and look down at my feet. He lets out a deep sigh and fixes his hair.

"I would tell you soo just not now. I'm sorry I really have to go" with that he kisses my cheek and walks out of my office leaving me feeling upset. Not because he didn't tell me what he did but because he yelled at me. Tommy has always been so sweet with me since the start. Just with that one outburst, it really felt like he has a burning hatred for me. I shouldn't let it bother me but it really does. I didn't even have time to tell him I was going back to my hometown. I guess ill just text him later and let him know. I look at the time and saw it was time for me to pack up my stuff and go home. It took me a while to gather my things but once everything was in my case I took time to look out of my office windows. I loved the view I got from my office. I get to see a beautiful site of the city and let me tell you they are right when people say the city never sleeps because it doesn't. It's always full of life and I love every second of it. I admire the view a bit longer and head home to sleep.

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