Short chapter: jacks feelings

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We sat down for dinner And I stayed quite.

Elsa and I are getting married.

I made a big deal about it because I didn't want them to know I was happy. I've secretly liked Elsa for as long as I've met her.

All I want is to be the Gus to her Hazel. Wanting to feel like I've known her forever in a day like rose and jack. To protect her like Edward and Bella. To be partners like tobias and tris. To depend on each other like katniss and peeta.

I'm head over heels.

I'm a beast. The ugly thing that everyone's afraid of. But she's the beauty. When I see her she's my light that for that moment I do something good.

I think I'm in love. Does love feel like you'd do anything for someone. Feel like your on wings. Is this love?

I want to be there for her. For her to be there for me. To depend on me do I know I can depend on her. To love her unconditionally. So she can love me back.

I think I'm in love. Is this love?

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