Chapter Nine- Talking It Out

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Kirishima's P.O.V

   "Kirishima wait!" was all I heard before I slammed the door to room 310. I can't do this right now. The thought of losing him was tough but losing my mother was worse. And yet he took her from me. It was his fault. If he wasn't so stupid maybe we could both be happy. Maybe my mom would be alive. Maybe I could have spoke. Maybe I would have had a normal family. But that couldn't happen.

   I didn't want to go home. I couldn't meet my dad there and then have to talk about him. So instead I went back to the café. Back to the only mother I had left. Mina. You see, she wasn't just a sweet friend my mom had, she was more. She raised my half of my life and I always went to her if I needed help or advice. I haven't been doing that so much recently so I'm sure she would be open to talk. Walking down the sidewalk, I pull my hood over my head and try not to draw too much attention to myself. 

   I arrived at the semi busy café and walked right to table seventeen with all of my art supplies and books. Looking back through the drawings, I look at the one from earlier today. The second strawberry milkshake was still on the table while the first one was still halfway full. I wonder is she knew I would come back? Taking the glass cup, I start drinking through the straw again, but no matter how many milkshakes I drank, it still wouldn't cheer me up. Finishing the one from earlier, I grab the second one on the table and start to drink it too. 

   Mina walked over a moment later, a few stains on her pastel pink apron. She sat down opposite of me in the small booth and gave me the 'mom look'. I gave her a small smile before I broke down completely. I couldn't sob out loud I was just opening my mouth like I wanted to scream but I couldn't. And it was his fault. Giving me a sympathetic look she walked over to me and just hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and I felt like a little kid again. "Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked. Taking my notebook I write a quick reply. 'After rush hour is over. I'll text my dad and tell him I'm staying until a bit later.' Nodding her head, she goes behind the counter to help the other co-workers complete the costumers orders. 

   I decided to pass the time, I would sketch something. Opening my drawing journal, a piece of paper falls out. Unfolding it, I realize I took Bakugou's drawing. Fuck. He needs this for school tomorrow in art. Looking at it closer, I can almost see his story in it. It was a beautiful drawing none the less but it was full of sadness. It had a new meaning to it then when I looked at it for the first time. And for some odd reason, that gave me inspiration. Flipping to a random page, I start to sketch. He drew a fear of his, so I will draw a fear of mine. 

   Taking a charcoal pencil from my small pencil bag, I sketch a quick drawing of a car. It wasn't just a car but rather the aftermath of his drawing; a car crashed into a pole. I skipped out on the gruesome parts of it to avoid crying and giving myself more PTSD than I already had. Finishing up my sketch, the bell above the door rings signaling people leaving. Looking around, I realize it is almost nine and the store is almost closing. Closing my journal, I keep my place with the other drawing. They had different styles but seemed to fit together perfectly. 

   Mina came over with two milkshakes and slid one towards me taking a sip of her own. "Now, tell me. Is lover boy okay? Is that what this is about?" She asked, her voice quiet and understanding. Nodding wordlessly, I open my notebook. 'Kind of... It is more of what he did.' I wrote. "What did he do? I swear of he hurt you I will ban him from ever coming in here!" she said, a new anger in her voice. 'It isn't that. Don't worry. Um I'm not sure how to describe it so...' I wrote sliding her the notebook and the drawing Bakugou had made in art class while I took a sip of my milkshake. 

   She looked at it with the same confusion I had at first. "I'm sorry but I don't get it..." she said, still trying to figure out what it meant. I swear, I get my wits from her. 'I didn't at first either. But he told me that...well you know how my mom crashed because of a kid that ran in the road. Um, he was that kid.' Sliding her the paper, she reads closely and then looks back at the drawing gasping a bit and finally understanding. Looking back at me, she gives me those sympathetic eyes again and I start to cry. Pulling me into a hug, I cry against her shoulder for a while, letting her rub soothing circles into my back and whisper small "It will be okay's" in my ear. She always knew how to calm me down. I don't know what I would do without her. 

   Pulling away I wipe my eyes. "You cannot judge him for something he can't change. This was shocking and how you reacted was okay but he didn't know. And I'm sure he didn't do that on purpose. You should both make up. I see the happiness in your eyes and I know you both like each other very much. And that is okay. It will be okay."

    Pulling me back in a hug I stand up. 'I should be getting home now.' I wrote showing it to her. Nodding she goes behind the counter and starts wiping the counters off. Walking out the door I begin to walk home. My dad was already in bed when I walked in the door so I went to my room. Ripping out the drawing from my drawing journal, I keep it next to Bakugou's. I will give it to the art teacher tomorrow morning. Changing my clothes, I climb into bed and cover myself up with the blankets hoping to fall into a deep sleep. Right before I was about to drift off some of Mina's words ring in my ears. 

   I see the happiness in your eyes and I know you both like each other very much. And that is okay.

   And I knew it was okay because little did he know, I was going to tell him tomorrow. 

A/N KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE! This chapter was a sweeter one and I promise it will get better! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I enjoyed writing it! Thanks for reading I love you all! Commenting and voting is always appreciated!         >//o\\<


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