Chapter Eleven-Forgiving And Feelings

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Kirishima's P.O.V

   He grabbed my hand and started walking as if the action was completely normal, yet I was trying not to explode. He didn't know what direction to go so after about ten seconds of walking, he just stopped and looked at me. I pointed left and he started dragging me down the sidewalk. The walk to my house was short and sweet. It was silent but not the bad kind; we were both calm and happy for once in the last 24 hours. 

   Arriving at my house, I walk in the door and go straight to my room. Walking to the mirror, I wipe the makeup from my neck and jump on my bed. Grabbing my laptop, I go to YouTube while Bakugou looks around my room. He stops at the bookshelf and looks through my manga collection. "Wait, you have like, all the copies of My Hero Academia?" he asked. Nodding my head, I go back to the search bar and find the video that brought me the most joy in life; 'Littleboffin The Truth Or Dare Challenge- Kiribaku' Clicking on the video, the intro music plays and Bakugou runs over to my bed. Scooting next to me, his eyes are full of excitement. We both just enjoy the video and laugh at the various parts.

   "I always loved the anime. I thought the original was a bit better than the remakes but I respected the love that they showed. I was pretty sad when they said they would discontinue it but I was super happy when they brought it back." He keeps on talking mindlessly about the show and the original manga. I just keep nodding my head and smiling, super happy that he has an interest similar to mine. Closing my laptop, I grab his hand and drag him out the door. I grabbed our back packs and started walking to the café. 

   Our hands were swinging back and forth between us as we walked. The sun felt good against my back and the birds chirping was calming.'You can do this.' The sign came into view and I checked the time; 4:30. Walking through the glass doors, Mina greets us, two pink shakes in her hands. "Right on time I see." she said, bringing us over to table seventeen and setting the glasses down. Setting the bags on either side of the booth, we sit across each other and start sipping our shakes. I kept sneaking glances at him, then looking away and blushing. 

   Taking my notebook out of my bag, I start up a conversation. 'How was art?'  I wrote, sliding him the journal. "It was good. I hope I make a good grade on it. Your drawing was amazing too." he said, looking back down at his cup, half of the drink already gone. "Look, I wanted to say sorry. I wish I could go back and stop my stupid kid self from doing that. If I would have known what had happened to the car afterwards, I don't think I would ever forgive myself, especially if I knew it would be one of my friends later on." he said, still looking down and sliding my notebook back.

   'We can't go back. As much as I wish I could go back, I know I won't be able to do anything. The best thing to do is accept it and move on. I forgive you.' I wrote, sliding the journal back.  He read it and smiling, looking back up at me for the first time. His eyes were red but no tears had fallen; he was holding them all back. Blinking once, a single tear falls as he cracks a smile. Taking my notebook I write down another note. 'Can we work on the essay. I'm like, three chapters behind.' Holding it up, he chuckles a little and then pulls out his own notebook,  flipping through the notes he had taken.

   We work on the assignment and end up finishing the chapters and notes. We had spent all day here that I didn't notice that the sun was starting to set. "Hey, we should probably go back soon. We both have to walk home and I don't really wanna walk in the dark." he said, packing his things up and slinging his bag over his shoulder as I do the same. Waving goodbye to Mina, we both walk out of the café. Our hands interlocked as we walked home. The sun was a pretty peach color making the clouds turn pink like cotton candy. Taking a turn I don't recognize, we start going left instead of right, Bakugou suddenly taking lead. 

   Taking a few more turns, old memories come into play reminding me of different directions I used to go as a kid. Until we come upon a specific place. The park. Tears come to my eyes as memory after memory flashes in my mind. Covering my mouth with my hand, I start to sob with happiness and sadness. I haven't been here since the incident afraid that it would be too much for me. Looking back at me, he grabs my hand and brings me to the swings. Getting on them, I swing my feet back and forth until I'm flying in the air and the wind is pushing my hair in front of my eyes. Jumping off the swings, I run over to the slide, a big grin on my face as I climb on the ladder that was made for someone twice as young as me. I barely fit down the slide so I was just scooting down instead of sliding in one go. Hitting my feet on the woodchips, Bakugou runs over and tags me on the arm, then runs in the opposite direction, teasing me as he sprints around the park, woodchips flinging in the air. Eventually I catch up and tag him on the shoulder and make a run for it. 

   We continue like this until we are out of breath and take a seat on the bench. It was perfect timing because the sun was almost down and the colors were shining brightly. We sat there and caught our breaths for a moment before he grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. It wasn't a graceful kiss, full of awkwardness but it was as perfect as it could have been. Pulling away for air, we both look at each other.  

 And it wasn't quiet anymore, because you could hear our rushing hearts beating in sync as we kissed again.


A/N So that's it guys! Thank you for being on this journey with me! This was a roller coaster of emotions and I really hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter isn't a continuation but rather all the alternative endings I thought of doing while writing this story! I really hope you like it! I love you all! Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated! See you in the next book!                                       >//o\\<  

                                             ~Author-Chan <3

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