Yellow Wallpaper

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There was fungus on the walls,

Taking me down halls I never knew


There were distant, desperate calls,

Telling me not to stall. We couldn't take it


Resentment is our sentiment,

In cages of our culture and our kings,

To them who invented it: We're sentient, in rages toward culture and our kings,

With my shoulder reaching out there,

Can I shout out here?

I'm feeling on the verge of Wonderland,

But Alice found a way to fill the hole inside,

The dreams subsided,

Meanwhile, I'm going a little yellow wallpaper.

I found solace in the walls,

In the shaking, steaming calls, I never knew myself


There I was among the vines and trees so tall,

No longer just another doll, I felt it truly at

My core,

Every time I watched him close the door, I got down, down there on the floor, I wanted more,

Creeping as I did, not sleeping as I did,

Weeping as I did, for joy. I'm not another pig for slaughter,

I am my own lover, wife and daughter,

Rejoicing with glee and laughter,

Even as I fear the morning after,

I'll have to climb back into bed later,

And again long for the release of the song of my precious yellow wallpaper,

Resentment for the kings in charge,

Who would have their wives be queens at large,

But in reality, be far

From letting their insecurity disembark,

In cages of our culture,

In the cages of our kings,

Crying out with hunger to a vulture,

It's how carrion flesh sings,

Resentment is our sentiment,

We're sending it , to they who invented it,

We're bending it , for those who will next suffer it,

From wayward girl to suffragette,

We're sentient , we're sentient,

Going yellow wallpaper,

For the future of the girl,

The woman in the padded room,

The women who will rule the world,

We're going yellow wallpaper,

Until the fungus is disturbed,

Torn away, cleansed, repapered,

We'll make sure men on the other side heard,

We're going yellow wallpaper,

The Sky can't be seen until it's clear,

For all,

If there's a roof over your head and you're inside confined to bed,

We swear we're here for you, even on 

The wall.

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